Best places to buy


Newly Enlightened
Jun 26, 2007
I am a new member to the forum. I have been a big fan of flashlights for a long time and only recently have been able to fund my flashlight needs/wants.
I am going to the US and Canada on holiday in 2 days and wanted to find out where are the best places to buy flashlights.
My favourite torch which began my interest was the Inova X5 and since then i adore alll Inovas, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Target department stores often carry a small selection of Inova lights including the X5 and you can find a Target store in just about any decent sized city. and are two good online retailers that handle a fairly complete Inova line, although I do not know if they ship internationally.

Inova products are a good value. Solid lights at a great price point. I have an X5, two X1s, and an XO3. The X5 in particular is handly because of its small profile, flood style output and long runtime.
Target is my RiverRock outlet. Good stuff.

In my parts, our local TruValue Hardware store has a pretty good selection. But I think it's because it caters towards hunters and outdoorsmen. They actually have some surefires and benchmade knives in the cases. A similar hardware store across town has jack squat. Best you can find is a Mag and maybe a bunch of those 25 LED chinese plastic torches.

Walmart and outdoor or hunting stores would work. Cabela's if they are in the area, too.

Good luck, happy hunting.
If you have a friend in the US where you will be in about 2 weeks, go on the Internet and ask them to order some lights for you... That is where the best deals and selection will probably be. Some of these internet suppliers are located in major cities (Oakland CA, San Jose CA have some good Internet Suppliers near San Francisco)--so you can check their websites for store/"Will Call" pickup options.

If you are into SureFire and other high-end lights, try gun shops, police supply, and such.

Also, depending on where you go--there could be various traveling events like recreation and gun shows (example here--I have not been to one in decades--ymmv)... Good places see a selection at good prices.

If you can give the major cities where you are visiting--probably people can give you good local supplier/event information.


REI is a very nice--high end (not cheap)--West Coast (Washington, California, etc.) recreational supply online (can arrange for store delivery too).
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I am travelling to Toronto on Friday (from Manchester, UK) and then early next week i shall go to Chicago, where i hope to spend about a week, then back to Toronto, all in all will be there 2 weeks, returning 13th July.
A few off the top of my head: They carry Fenix lights. The locations are general stores full of various non flashlight related products. Look for a little booth, enclave or cabinet that has the lights. They carry Streamlights. In the North end of the city. Unfortunately I have never been there. They carry Surefires. Just a little north of Toronto.

Hopefully whoever you are staying with doesn't mind driving. Have a fun and safe trip!
Last edited: They carry Fenix lights. The locations are general stores full of various non flashlight related products. Look for a little booth, enclave or cabinet that has the lights.
General store is the name of the store, not the type of store. They are a non tourist gift shop. The lady got a little annoyed when I asked if all they sell is knick knacks.
Hillcrest Mall (Yonge & 16th Avenue - Richmond Hill, ON)
Eastgate Square (Centennial Pkwy N & Queenston Rd - Stoney Creek, ON)
Woodbine Centre (Rexdale Blvd & Highway 27 - Etobicoke, ON)
Northgate Shopping Centre (Memorial Dr E & 36 St SE - Calgary, AB)
Dave's Surplus andTactical
742-12th Street
New Westminster B.C.
V3M 4W5
They had a large selection of Surefires and Streamlights in glass cases

Diamond Marketing Inc.
109-8623 Granville St.
Vancouver, B.C. V6P 5A2
Lots of Mag bulbs and carries the Coast brand lights. Terrralux led's, batteries and adaptors.

Mountain equipment co-op.
List of store locations on this page

LeBaron store locations

Tetragon Distributors Inc.
2378 Dunwin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
800-387-6542 Toll Free
surefires, some streamlights and mags

Dorcy lights are at the Sears department stores under the Dorcy and Craftsman names and at Home Hardware stores under the Reactor name.