There aren't any good yellow H3 bulbs. All the dichroic ones (like the CPI Gold) have the off-axis blue appearance; that's how these coatings work: they diffract certain wavelengths of light (in this case blue) so they are not contained within the beam. But they don't just go away, they go off at a different angle, which means they will exit the lamp outside the main beam area. The degree of this effect is greater or lesser depending mostly on lamp optic design. You will find the same effect to the same degree whether you try a cheap CPI Gold or an expensive PIAA Ion Crystal bulb. More detail
on Stern's site, together with a suggested method of getting selective yellow light by coating the lens. That way's probably preferable, because then you can use a higher-performing clear H3 bulb (Narva Rangepower+50, Osram Night Breaker, Philips Vision Plus).
There are various toy bulbs imported under a dozen different brands and sold usually at very high prices to the "tuner" crowd; the popular marketing catchline at the moment is "JDM yellow". Many of these have a non-dichroic yellow coating and some of them give a yellow light color that's not bad, but the coating isn't optically transparent and so the beam focus suffers -- instead of blue haze above the cutoff you get yellow haze, not much of an improvement.