Best single 18650 thrower?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 1, 2009
Kent, England
I'm looking at upgrading my MTE MC-E Flashlight and i want a better thrower.
Is the P7 a better thrower than the MC-E? Or should i go for the new XP-G?
Also is the Thrunite Catapult with a Luminus SST-50 emitter a good option?
I want as many lumens as possible from a single 18650, or even two CR123A's.
I'm willing to spend up to about $150 (or maybe more if necessary) but i dont want a HID or a flashlight that is TOO big as i want a holster for it for everyday carrying on my belt. :twothumbs
Best single 18650 thrower or output? there's a difference.

have a look here i think you'll find it helpful.
Based upon the round up, we're looking at DBS V2 DI with over 20Klux @ 1metre.
I know Jetbeam's RRT-1 should be around the same in terms of throw.
The Dereelight DBS and the Tiablo a10 both look quite decent, but neither seem to offer much light output. Im not too fond of the MC-E emitter to be honest, it just does not look that bright or reliable.
Is theOlight M21 Warrior any good? or as in my first post, the Thrunite Catapult?I really want at least 500 lumens if possible :thinking:
The TK11 R2 is nice but it does not throw nearly as far as my Tiablo A9.

The Tiablo A10, Jetbeam RRT-1 or Dereelight should be up there with regards to throw.

I am interested in the Olight M21 and know someone who has ordered one so can't wait to have a look.

How about the Jetbeam M1X? I have heard it throws and has the lumens you want? May be a little large in the head for EDC though?

The M21 does not have any throw to speak of. It has a similar beam as a MC-E or P7 in a small reflector. Big hot spot and bright spill. I think my PD30 has about the same throw. But the M21 does fill a room with light.
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Output and throw can be two very different things. Flood light vs laser. Laser throws further, flood light has more output.

The Tiablo A10 throws very far for the output because it has a large reflector relative to the light source. A MC-E or P7 in the same reflector will have less throw but more output.

There are some reviews and lux measurements on lights on this review site. They don't have the Olight M21 though so you can't compare that with other lights.
Output and throw can be two very different things. Flood light vs laser. Laser throws further, flood light has more output.

The Tiablo A10 throws very far for the output because it has a large reflector relative to the light source. A MC-E or P7 in the same reflector will have less throw but more output.

There are some reviews and lux measurements on lights on this review site. They don't have the Olight M21 though so you can't compare that with other lights.

if you absolutely want throw and is LED. Getting something with aspheric lense would be the ultimate.

But first of all, you need to know what you want, throw or higher output? There tends to be a trade off here.

Most "throwers" has single die LEDs, they produce less output but its beam is more suitable to focus (hence throw further) with conventional reflectors while new LEDs e.g. XG-Gs or SST-50s produce more output but less light is focus to the hot spot so it doesn't throw as far.
The XP-G and SST-50 can throw as far as the smaller single die LEDs like the XR-E and still have a wider hotspot, but the larger die LEDs need much more power to achieve the same surface brightness as the smaller die LED.

Most of the time, they don't reach the same surface brightness, so they don't throw as far.
You really need to read this thread. Pay particular attention to the section about lumens and lux. Right now, you're comparing lumens. That's total output. You need to compare lux. The multi-die LED's can't be focused as well as the single die emitters. Have fun!
Using 4sevens Quarks as an example.

Based on four of my samples of Quark Tis (with XP-G R5), their throw is roughly 3200 lux @ 1m.

Based on reviews from Selfbuilt and Mev, Quarks (with XP-E) roughly average about 5K lux @ m.

Their reflectors are the same, drivers are the same, only difference is in material and emitters, I think its safe to say that XP-G doesn't throw as far as the XP-Es (and i suspect XR-Es as well).
The XP-G and SST-50 can throw as far as the smaller single die LEDs like the XR-E and still have a wider hotspot, but the larger die LEDs need much more power to achieve the same surface brightness as the smaller die LED.

Most of the time, they don't reach the same surface brightness, so they don't throw as far.
Just get yourself a DBS and an aspherical head. I recommend an R2 with a smooth reflector, 1S pill. It'll give you better regulation on an 18650 than a 1SM. Of course if you want 3 stages, get the 3SD. Q5 R2 3SD or Q5 R2 1S either with a smooth reflector or an aspheric. If you do get an MC-E pill, don't expect it to throw too much. Get an OP reflector.
The XP-G has a larger die size then the XP-E. Since the current to the LED is the same, the XP-G will have less surface brightness, and thus throw, then the XP-E. But the same power over a large die means more efficiency, so overall output would be higher. If the driver was changed to increase the current enough(a bit more then double the current is my guess), then you'll get the same throw with a larger hotspot with the XP-G because then the surface brightness would be the same.

If the OP wants high output and more throw, then the better quality quad die LED lights should outthrow the MTE MC-E.
Thanks for all of your inut and advice, it is all very helpful but i do feel that i have opened up a can of worms with this thread. Everyone will have their favorite flashlight and emitter and it is getting pretty hard to choose one particular flashlight that i should buy.
I have looked at the aspheric lenses (mainly on DX) and the beam pattern looks fantastic, but im not convinced that in my job the lense would be durable enough.

What i need is a flashlight with less flood than an MC-E, bright as hell, throws like Babe Ruth and small enough that i can carry it on my duty belt!
Am i looking for the holy grail? :thinking:
Thanks for all of your inut and advice, it is all very helpful but i do feel that i have opened up a can of worms with this thread. Everyone will have their favorite flashlight and emitter and it is getting pretty hard to choose one particular flashlight that i should buy.
I have looked at the aspheric lenses (mainly on DX) and the beam pattern looks fantastic, but im not convinced that in my job the lense would be durable enough.

What i need is a flashlight with less flood than an MC-E, bright as hell, throws like Babe Ruth and small enough that i can carry it on my duty belt!
Am i looking for the holy grail? :thinking:
come back in 3 years, well, maybe 2.5 :thumbsup:
The TLS Q5 bezel with a single 18650 tube will be the best at throwing, and It may be just as great as the Tiablo A10 if not more assuming you use the Q5 pill. It does have a 2.5in bezel, but it is 100% P60 compatible (the pill only). So, you can use an XP-E or XR-E or Trunites XP-G..ect...

Mine is fitted with an XP-G R4 thanks to Krammer5150, but for kicks I did have the Nailbender SST-50 p60 drop-in pill and it throws with tons of lumens downrange.

It is also around $150 for the light which has a Q5 and then you can screw in any P60 pill you want.

My best throwers are raidfire spear, dbs V2 smooth reflector, and the top one is my dbs V2 with the aspheric lens.

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