Better throw G2L or E2L


Dec 7, 2001
Long Island, N Y
I have the G2L and will order the E2L but was wondering how the E compares to G in terms of throw? I like the G2L beam it is quite nice, will the E2L throw as far but with less spill? Anyone have beam Shots comparing the two?
I have the G2L and will order the E2L but was wondering how the E compares to G in terms of throw? I like the G2L beam it is quite nice, will the E2L throw as far but with less spill? Anyone have beam Shots comparing the two?

It will have more throw but much less spill. Great outdoor light!
Is the E2L like the L1 Cree in that it puts out more lumens than SureFire states? Or is 45 lumens pretty much what you get with that light?

Just curious... :poke:
Love my E2L, I'd say 55-60L for sure!

Of course I had to go the rechargeable route and buy a new body!
I agree with Tussery. Though I haven't had a chance to do a direct long range comparison outdoors, I'm fairly certain that my G2L will outthrow my E2L, at least from the limited comparisons I've been able to make so far. Outdoors I was able to compare my E2L to my U2 on high as well as my L6 and I couldn't much if any difference in throw, though the different beam shapes could contribute to that.
Well my L1 outthrows my 6PL by a tad so I guess the E2L with a similar beam but lower output would be slightly less throw than the 6PL.
Please report what they say.
I called a couple of weeks ago and the rep said he did not know of any current plans to release just the heads.

It's probably not a matter of if, but rather when.
Please report what they say.
I called a couple of weeks ago and the rep said he did not know of any current plans to release just the heads.

It's probably not a matter of if, but rather when.
It's been a couple days and I still haven't received a reply yet... :popcorn: