I assume that it's safe to use two 18650s to power a M60 drop-in because it's still within the 3.7-9 volt range. I just wanted to check because it's better to be safe than sorry.
Been doing that very thing for a few weeks now.
I simply took my 6P with the M60 in it and changed out the center tube for an extended tube that takes 2x18650's.
Works great, and seemingly runs forever. I put two fresh charged 18650's in it when I first modded it and have been using it nightly to take the dogs out.
A couple of days ago, I check the batts on my ZTS tester, and the darn things still come up at 100% charge.
I bought two of the extended tubes, so since the P6 M60 is working out so well, I'm going to change out another P6 I have that has an M60L in it to the same configuration.
With the M60L on 2x18650's, I'm thinking I should make a note on my calendar to recharge the batteries at least once a year.
One side note: A lot of 18650 batteries don't have enough of a projection on the positive button to make good contact between the batteries when stacked. I'm using the Tenergy 2600mah batteries that have been doing great in single cell use, but I found that they wouldn't work when I stacked them in the P6.
So here's a tip about something that worked really well for me: I took a flat rubber faucet washer that is almost the diameter of the battery and it has a hole in the middle of it about 1/8" in diameter.
I then used a flaring tool to cut a piece of 1/8" copper tubing about 3/16" long and pushed that into the faucet washer hole, and then used a small hammer and vice anvil to gently squash the copper tubing so that it would flare just enough to make it stay in the hole, but still protude just a smidgeon on both sides of the faucet washer.
Then all you do is drop the modded washer down the tube between the batteries and it makes the contact you need between them
The rubber part of the washer, being just a bit less than the diameter of the battery, keeps the washer centered so that there is NO chance of any shorting out when in place.
My .02, and remember what you paid for it. :thumbsup: