Finding a big enough reflector? What........someone else is looking for bigger reflectors??
Seriously, a good grade reflector that can also take the heat, and for a reasonable price is a good find. I think ez78 has a thread listing a website for off-road lighting and replacement reflectors. There's also Opti-Forms.
Their P60 & P38 group parabolics (metal) have focal lengths that may work with your lamp. The standard production reflectors are still spendy!!
I contacted someone in the technical department awhile back and heard they had half a dozen or so 19" rhodium reflectors from a special order that had minor defects and were tossed into the dumpster earlier that week, but were gone :mecry:!!!
I have a Edmund Scientific reflector. Nice shape and all that, but the finish isn't "bright" and rather kinda fuzzy. Didn't work so well for a longer focus, so I think it'll work better as a big ear mic. dish.
Lesson learned for me.
Your lamp won't need a too precise reflector, so there should be something out there that'll work. If you do find a good source, please share!