
Newly Enlightened
Dec 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
Anyone think this bulb can be used for a spotlight? It's an Osram 600w 125v bulb with a GY9.5 base. I figure if the voltage is so high, then I could get away with lower amp rated cells, correct? Of course, I know that's still quite a few cells in series though. I would guess it would need a custom made reflector? What about heat? Any ideas?
ss2nv, I have some stage/studio and large lamp spec books that may have a little info on those lamps. I think it's one of the smaller hot lamps.
Your ANSI codes should still be active in the cross-reference list. for mfr's
lamp data.
I know if you paired that with a 8 or 12-inch reflector you might have the fixin's for a nice light!
Thank you for the reply. I found place on the net where I can buy the socket from, but I have no idea where to get a large enough reflector. The Edmund Scientific site has a few, but they seem pretty thin. I'm guessing it would have to be a custom deal.
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Finding a big enough reflector? What........someone else is looking for bigger reflectors??
Seriously, a good grade reflector that can also take the heat, and for a reasonable price is a good find. I think ez78 has a thread listing a website for off-road lighting and replacement reflectors. There's also Opti-Forms.
Their P60 & P38 group parabolics (metal) have focal lengths that may work with your lamp. The standard production reflectors are still spendy!!

I contacted someone in the technical department awhile back and heard they had half a dozen or so 19" rhodium reflectors from a special order that had minor defects and were tossed into the dumpster earlier that week, but were gone :mecry:!!!

I have a Edmund Scientific reflector. Nice shape and all that, but the finish isn't "bright" and rather kinda fuzzy. Didn't work so well for a longer focus, so I think it'll work better as a big ear mic. dish.
Lesson learned for me.
Your lamp won't need a too precise reflector, so there should be something out there that'll work. If you do find a good source, please share!
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The DYS lamps have been used in theatrical lighting as a replacement for PAR64 fixtures.
There is a reflector/socket assembly called a Raylight that is probably what you are looking for.

Thanks for the tip! Ya know, now that I think about it, I don't know if this bulb is AC or DC. My bulb just has 125v on it. I've looked up some info on it and it is also used in overhead projectors. I wonder if projectors have rectifiers in them or not?...
Your CYS lamp will run fine on a DC source. I believe it will also extend it's burn life somewhat.
I know that some filaments in projection lamps can resonate with AC power but are nice & quiet using DC.
How you're going to cool that puppy may be a different matter.
Oh, cool. Well then, I guess I can keep moving forward with this idea. I've recently opened up an overhead projector that uses this bulb and saw what type of cooling it uses. It's basically just a 120mm fan on one side with a large vent on the other with the bulb in between. I'll have to think about my options here.
I'm getting closer to needing a DC voltage booster for another application covered in this group. Anything working with high amp loads can get pretty beefy & crazy!
It would open some doors into running more of the lamps we work with on fewer but heavier cells.

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