Bike Light, Solitaire Replacement, Minimag Upgrades


Newly Enlightened
Feb 12, 2009
Bay Area, CA
Hello all, new to this forums, lurker for about 3 months or so though.

Despite some in-depth reading, I still have a few questions, hopefully you guys will help me out!

First off, and this is the most important, I'm currently in need of a flashlight for biking, since my old one dropped into a lagoon... and I didn't want to fish it out at 10pm with no one around.

1) I ride mostly in lit residential suburbs, with some stretches on a paved, unlit, dedicated bike path.
2) Bike is a generic mountain bike
3) Doesn't need to be weatherproof, on rainy days I take my car
4) Runs on AA/AAA rechargeables
5) Runtime not a concern, I always carry a set or two of spares
6) Regulated, for obvious reasons
7) More flood than throw
8) Budget is important, I'm a college student with not much disposable income...

Currently looking at the E20, RCN3 Q5, L2D, maybe a minimag multimode for general use as well as strobe.

Secondly, looking at a Minimag upgrade, drop in preferred, not highly priced, have heard SMJLED (and something else, but have to refer to older posts)

Finally, looking for a Solitaire replacement, needed for peering into a dark postbox and for use in unprepared situations (I don't sling all my flashlights with me). Have been suggested E10, and a Tank, more suggestions are welcome.

Hoping to cap the limit of everything at $60-75, but my budget has already crept higher from yesterday. Having said that, money really is important to me! I'm on such a tight budget... but the shiny lights... :drool:

Finally, I would like to ask whether it's safe to use eneloops in Minimags, as well as my potential replacements, and where I can get replacement lenses for the minimags.

Again, thanks so much for the help!

EDIT: I've edited the post to refine the questions I'm asking, obsolete parts of the original post are quoted below.

I've read Romisen and Fenix lights as being good lights, I'm curious for a specific model though. I previously ran some generic light I got in a flea market in China, which was just better than nothing, but lasted longer than I expected.

Secondly, I have a miniMag and a solitaire that I don't want to relegate to my storage box, so I'm wondering whether there are easily done upgrades (only tool I have is a cordless drill) that are affordable and wouldn't cost more than a whole new flashlight.

Thirdly, similar scenario to 2, but with a lot of generic flashlights you get from places like Home depot or Sears, there are a lot of drop in bulbs out there, but the price makes me feel I'm better off just buying a new light.

Finally, this is important as well, is that I want a keychain light. Photons are super cheap, but I'm wondering if there are affordable alternatives. Preferably no bigger than a Solitaire, and runs on a commonly found battery as well. I've heard good reviews on the Fenix EO1, anything else out there?

I know I have a lot of questions, but thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions!
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Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

what is your budget for both lights?
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I need a budget estimate to work with so I can find you a main light.

SMJLED kit from the shoppe for the minimag, it's great. Brighter than stock and insane runtimes. Best part is the low cost!

Give your Solitare and Home Despot/Sears lights away. The upgrade costs will exceed their worth almost instantly, your initial feelings are right.

The E01 is excellent for the price, tint isn't great but you can live with it. I have both it and an LD01 and the E01 is on the keychain full time, it took the place of honor that the Arc-P once had. The Arc was way more expensive and did not have the runtime of the E01. In keychain lights I value runtime and toughness, both describe the E01 perfectly. Not made up my mind about the LD01 yet, runtime was not near what it was supposed to be but otherwise I like it.
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Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

1) I ride mostly in lit residential neighborhoods, with some stretches on a paved, unlit, dedicated bike path.
I have that same scenario (with some unlit streets) and use 2 Fenix bike mounts with various cheap 2AA lights with Eneloops. One is for reach and one is for flood but most importantly, one of them is always working in the dark. When I've had only one light it occasionally would blink out at the worst possible moment.
I've been using the Rayovac 1W ($20) for flood and a real cheap Costco 3W aspheric ($10) for throw. These will last for a week of commuting with a little less than an hour a day. I also have a 1AA MTE 70101 ($15) with multi-mode in my pocket for a super bright strobe if I want to replace the thrower in heavy traffic. They all have rear clickies which are easy to find without looking.
I prefer these cheaper lights because they tend to get lost or stolen on the bike. I gave up on CR123 lights once Eneloop AA came out. The lithium batteries aren't worth the extra hassle.

With a Planet Bike SuperFlash on the rear, no one can say they didn't see me.

And an E01 on one keychain and a Photon on the other.

Having said all that, there is a new MiniMag multi-mode LED for $20 that you can focus from flood to throw that also has low, hi and strobe. If you only had one cheap light that might be it. It won't be in Canada for a few months yet so I don't know if it will do the job.

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Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

An older AA minimag will also benefit from the slightly more expensive Terralux cree dropin that costs around $20 (batteryjunction has them). Will make it significantly brighter but I've no idea about runtime and I've no idea if it's brigher than the new MiniMag LEDs. I got one just because I prefer the older-style minimags and wanted to keep my old beater in use :)

IMO the perfect bike light is a Fenix LD20 (or LD10) with the Fenix 360 bike mount kit, but that'll set you back some moolah ($60+). Bright enough to be of use in both urban and darker areas, useful flashing function, plus Fenix has among the best runtimes among AA lights.
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Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I'm a super cheapo and just use two hose clamps and some leftover foamy tape stuff as my mount.

I have some flashlights with usable throw, but none with a good flood. All the cheaper ones I see online are all spot.

I've been hearing the good word for the $25 husky at HD, but it's got no flood afa i can tell...

I usually bring a screwdriver (haha) with me so I can take the light when I go to class.

I have a set of Costco eneloops at home (btw, are they safe for flashlights? The maglite LED I have says no)

I'm located in the San Francisco Bay Area, that maglite sounds like a good deal, particularly since a regular maglite 2AA is $25 at Target.

To the other posters, I have no specific budget, but I don't have much money on hand. I'd rather not spend $50 (I know that's a small amount of money to some of you, but that buys me 2 weeks of food!) on a flashlight, but if I have to, I guess I'll save for a bit more.

I guess I'll stick the solitaire in my drawer or give it to my dad. I really only need it to see into my postbox, and to have a handy light on my keychain in case I need it. Good to hear my minimag has a lifeline though.

Thanks so much so far for all the help!

BTW, my LED lights collection right now is limited to a minimag 2AA, and mag 3D ($10 and $15 at Lowes! would've gotten two 2AAs but I got the last one they had), and one of those 9 5mm LED Husky ($3) and two of the 0.5W small Huskies ($3 for both)

Again, thanks
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

By the way, I hear the lens on the Maglites suck (I can tell by how the lens goes all cloudy)

Also, I'm sure I've seen a basic flashlight cleaning and maintenance guide (which improves the output siginificantly in some lights) but can't seem to find it again...
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I agree with the Fenix L2D or LD20 suggestion, but I use twofish lockblocks. sells both, and with the CPF8 coupon code your wallet's pain will be minimal. Run the Fenix on NiMH rechargable batteries for the best performance.
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I woud actually recommend the fenix E20 instead of the l2d or ld20, not quite as bright, but should get the job done and its cheaper and floodier. If you want a mag upgrade, this is probably the one you should get:
however, I'd say go for the fenix because it will be tougher and last you longer and have better battery life.
As far as keychain lights, the fenix E01 is great if you want some more options:

depends on what kinda brightness/runtime you are looking for, but personally I'd stick with the fenix. It's a great light.
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

romisen rc-n3 Q5 from shiningbeam, and buy a bike mount.
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

E20 looks like a reasonable deal, for $40

I think I'll shell out 22 for a Maglite multimode tomorrow since I know I'll be needing that anyway (strobing is useful for city riding)

Combined with the E20... the E01 is gonna have to wait. The mag upgrade is secondary, just wanted to turn my minimag into something useful again.

How are the artifacts like on the E20? I saw the review and it's surprisingly small!

edit: I might just save for a while and get an L2D, the multimode is useful, and the run time is so much longer even on high mode... I expect to use this flashlight for at least a couple years...

both the L2D and the RC-N3 have quite a strong hot spot, are they adjustable?

I'm also looking to get a better lens for my mags, but that's not urgent. Can you use eneloops on mags?
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Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I woud actually recommend the fenix E20 instead of the l2d or ld20, not quite as bright, but should get the job done and its cheaper and floodier. If you want a mag upgrade, this is probably the one you should get:
however, I'd say go for the fenix because it will be tougher and last you longer and have better battery life.
As far as keychain lights, the fenix E01 is great if you want some more options:

depends on what kinda brightness/runtime you are looking for, but personally I'd stick with the fenix. It's a great light.

The tank looks a good alternative to the Fenix, for 2/3 the price. The E20 does indeed look attractive, and no way was I thinking of upgrading my Mag for the price of a new LED one, nor was I thinking of using it on the road. I'm probably going with the cheaper option for that.

Anyway, sleep for me now, thanks for all your help. Very good suggestions. It's so damn hard to find a light with a good diffused pattern (the minimag led does a good job actually). Many flashlights nowadays are focused...
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I do a lot of riding at night and the L2D is my top choice after my custom modded Surefire. The L2D really is that good for riding.
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

How does the beam look like projected onto the ground? From the pictures on DX it has an awfully bright and distinct hotspot
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

I do a lot of riding at night and the L2D is my top choice after my custom modded Surefire. The L2D really is that good for riding.
I have to agree. I've been using my L2D for a bike commute almost every night for the last year. It never once let me down, flickered, or had any problem.

Also, I find the beam pattern to be quite excellent, giving a nice broad hotspot for lighting up the path 30-40 feet in front, but with enough spill to see directly in front of the bike and to the sides.

Plus, with 3 other light levels it's also an excellent all purpose light. And if that's not enough, offers a Lifetime warranty on all Fenix lights bought from him, along with a 30 day period to try the light risk free!

However...... having said all that....... I was a college student a LONG time ago.... so I understand the need to save cash when possible, and I have read many good reviews of the Romisen rc-n3 Q5 from, so I could see that as a good possibility as well. Of course it has only light level and no lifetime warranty, but then again it's only half as much as the L2D.

By the way, welcome to CPF and good luck with your search for a new light.
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

Check this thread for Maglite drop-ins and mods, though it is probably cheaper to buy a new light.

The spill of all of these reflector lights is pretty bright and useful. The hotspot travels further then the spill, which lands pretty close to you, so even though on a wall the spill can be quite a bit dimmer the the hotspot, in use the spill is quite useful since it doesn't have to travel nearly as far as the hotspot. That probably didn't make sense. Look here for real world beamshots of different LED lights. You aren't looking at any of them but it should still show how well the spill would light up the surrounding.

I'd suggest you to go with the Romisen RC-N3 Q5 from shiningbeam because it is a good price light with good reviews. They have a 6% off coupon "cpfuser".

Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

If the RC-N3 Q5 is good then I'm all for it! Same price as a Maglite. I can get a multimode Mag LED and a RC-N3 Q5 for the same price as a E20!

What's the difference between a Q5 and an XR-E?

So now my choices are:

Minimag upgrade:

Solitaire replacement:
E01 or Tank

Bike Light:
Minimag multimode + RC-N3 Q5, E20, L2D

So many choices, so little cash =(
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

BTW, I hear there's a problem with batteries rattling in the RC-N3 Q5, what size rings should I get? 16, 18 or 19? I measured the diameter of a AA battery to be around 16mm, so I'm guess 16 for a snug fit and 18 for a loose fit?

I plan on using them on crappy flashlights and a few headlight (car) bulbs too, but have to get some measurements...
Re: Lots of help needed from light experts!

It might be a good time to shell out the extra bucks for the L2D-CE. If you use their president's day code "LINCOLN47", you can get it for 45 bucks. it does have quite a strong hotspot though. Neither the l2d nor the rc-n3 have adjustable beams. If that is something you want then you're only choices are the E20, a mag drop in or a coast lenser, that I can think of. P7's and MC-E's are very flood too, but I don't think they use the batteries you want or fit in to your budget.