BlackBerry users: I need your help!

Tempest UK

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2006
I seem to remember we have a few CrackBerry users on here :eek:

I have a BlackBerry 8800 that is about a year old. Recently it has started playing up a lot. The problem seems to be the trackball - I can scroll around with it fine, but when I try to click it to make a selection, sometimes nothing will happen, and other times there is about a 15-30 second delay. After a few unsuccessful attempts at navigating the menus, it will suddenly act like it's possessed and start scrolling around and selecting options all by itself :ohgeez:

All in all, it's pretty much impossible to use.

I tried deleting some stuff from it to free up some memory (a long, frustrating experience :ohgeez:) but that hasn't really helped.

I also thought the trackball might have some dirt trapped underneath it, so I removed the silver ring around the trackball to clean it. Well that didn't work either, and now I need a replacement for the silver ring :crazy:

Any ideas? :thinking:

Hey there! I have seen a trackball taken out and you need to remove the whole face. But, please dont if you havn't messed with a phone before!!(unless you can afford to void the warrenty) LOL

The device has two rollers and a metal plate under it. I can't speak for the mystery movements but, it sounds like you have dirt or sludge on the plate and or rollers.

My advice is to try using a good (and only damp cloth) cleaner on the ball. I use a perell product daily to clean the ball and phone. Hold the ball with one thumb nail and kind scrub with the cloth and your other hand. It may be better to have the phone locked first as you will start clicking!!

I hope this helps!

Also, if you believe this is a software issue, you can do ##786 to reset the unit. You will need to program the phone with Sprint and Verizon to make it work as this wipes the programming codes (could be other carriers but I'm sure of this).