BLIMP - Seoul P4-U-W0 - Runtime and Pix


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006

Pictures will come later...

My BLIMP had a resistor under the star to drop the current some, but I didn't catch the value before I sealed it back up after the Seoul mod.
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You wouldnt happen to have any luxreadings or perhaps comparative beam shots? Or just tell us your own experience, since the old Blimp was considered somewhat of a throw monster.
Nice charts, nice mod. I'm thinking of modding one of these for myself, but I remember reading somewhere that there was a few quaility issues with the blimp, flickering due to contacts or something? Have these issues been resolved, or was that part of the mod ?
Was it a easy mod swapping to the SSC P4? Also, was it a star or emitter swap?
Sorry for all the questions, I just like to find out as much as possible before jumping in.
Essexman said:
Nice charts, nice mod. I'm thinking of modding one of these for myself, but I remember reading somewhere that there was a few quaility issues with the blimp, flickering due to contacts or something? Have these issues been resolved, or was that part of the mod ?
Was it a easy mod swapping to the SSC P4? Also, was it a star or emitter swap?
Sorry for all the questions, I just like to find out as much as possible before jumping in.

The flickering is due to oxidized contacts inside the tailcap. I disassembled the tailcap, cleaned with isopropyl alcohol, deoxidized with Deoxit, the treated with Progold before reassembling. I was able to test the flashlight for a couple days and do the full runtime without any flickering whatsoever.

You can use a star swap without a lift, because you can refocus by screwing the bezel a little further down on the tube when reassembling. Do not turn the tube too far or the emitter will start scratching the bottom of the reflector. Center the emitter really well, move it if necessary before turning the bezel down where the reflector goes around the emitter. The hole is just the right size to let the emitter body come through a little bit.

I chose to use epoxy it in perfect focus when reassembling, because of the risk of interference between the reflector and emitter if somebody decides to crank it down.

The stock blimp throws really well, but doesn't have a lot of light off-center. Since the Seoul emitter die is wider, there is more of a transition from throw to spill. The beamshot above was zoomed into the wall from about 8 ft. The Seoul mod throws very well!
Wow quick reply!
Cheers for the above details, you have helped give me the confidence to go ahead with this mod.
I just need to find some spare time !
many thanks again.