Brightest homemade or modded LED, no optics, no P7??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 5, 2007
Las Vegas
Not that I am going to build one or anything, but I just have some crazy ideas in my head and I was wondering what is the brightest LED light that wasn't too exotic that has been seen on here. Like I said in my title, no P7, and no ashperic or optics, straight reflectors only. I would assume it would simply be something with a gang of Q5 or R2's? Something like the Seven Sisters? Maybe a link to one of the shootouts they do, I would like to see some LED vs Incan (I don't really expect LED to win).

I imagine "brightest" is a relative term with flood vs throw and all. I am leaning more towards wanting to see flood, with decent throw :) Sort of an all around light, but one that will really light up a room. Something like the way this does:
Although I don't know how his throw really is.

Really less interested in R2's than Q5's, SSC P4's, Rebels, Ostars (are these dinosaurs?) some of the more common led's in other words.

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