Broken nose?


Jun 20, 2007
Hey everyone,
Earlier this evening, I was feeling rather pumped up so I called my brother and see if he wanted to spar. (I train MMA muay thai and gracie jiu jitsu) and he has a little boxing experience, but he is ALOT bigger than I am. So the terms of the fight were we would take it extremely easy, I couldn't hit him in the face because he had no mouth guard, but I could kick and he couldn't. So we began the fight and we did fine. He doesn't really have an idea of what "taking it easy" really means because I had to tell him quite a few times that he was going way too hard because I could tell he was swinging almost as hard as he could. About 2 minutes in, I accidently reached my arm out about half way towards his face, realized that I can't do head shots and attempted to bring it in. During the pause he clocked me straight in the nose probably as hard as he could. I got really light headed and I'm unsure if I felt a snap. Instantly blood poured out and I felt excruciating pain. It looks a little crooked and is very swollen. However it does NOT feel loose and the bleeding stopped after about 10 minutes. I can breathe through it almost fine right now, the pain is very tolerable and I took no medicine. I have two slight black eyes. Barely noticeable without the right light. Anyone here think I actually broke it? I know I'm instantly going to be told go get an x-ray etc, but I won't have the proper time untill next monday so I would like to hear advice if anyone has some. Thanks a ton!
Make time and get that x-ray already, nobody is that good and can tell you if it's broken or not over the internet.
Make time and get that x-ray already, nobody is that good and can tell you if it's broken or not over the internet.

Ditto...make time. The crookedness might be on account of the swelling. But don`t play guessing games.
Hey everyone,
Earlier this evening, I was feeling rather pumped up so I called my brother and see if he wanted to spar. (I train MMA muay thai and gracie jiu jitsu) and he has a little boxing experience, but he is ALOT bigger than I am. So the terms of the fight were we would take it extremely easy, I couldn't hit him in the face because he had no mouth guard, but I could kick and he couldn't. So we began the fight and we did fine. He doesn't really have an idea of what "taking it easy" really means because I had to tell him quite a few times that he was going way too hard because I could tell he was swinging almost as hard as he could. About 2 minutes in, I accidently reached my arm out about half way towards his face, realized that I can't do head shots and attempted to bring it in. During the pause he clocked me straight in the nose probably as hard as he could. I got really light headed and I'm unsure if I felt a snap. Instantly blood poured out and I felt excruciating pain. It looks a little crooked and is very swollen. However it does NOT feel loose and the bleeding stopped after about 10 minutes. I can breathe through it almost fine right now, the pain is very tolerable and I took no medicine. I have two slight black eyes. Barely noticeable without the right light. Anyone here think I actually broke it? I know I'm instantly going to be told go get an x-ray etc, but I won't have the proper time untill next monday so I would like to hear advice if anyone has some. Thanks a ton!
I'd see a Doctor right away. If it was unnecessary, I'd have wasted some time. If it was necessary and realignment was done quickly, I might be able to save myself the choice between a crooked nose or plastic surgery.
/Not an expert
+1, make time and go get an x-ray. The ER is open all night. You only get one nose and it's gotta last you a long time.

Imagin what would happen if on Monday you find out that it was broken and the bone had already begun to rejoin... (at an angle)... :twak:
Your brother needs to learn maturity, not fighting skills.

Find a partner who isn't out to "prove" himself in training. Training is not competition and it isn't real. There is no pride to be had in injuring a friend, family member or partner for real during training. It shows a lack of control and extreme callousness towards supposed friends and family.

During my academy boxing match, my partner and I agreed to limit our shots, but it was still real enough. He had all the advantages--size, reach, experience, aggressiveness and my face was bruised afterwards--and that was with gloves and boxing helmets. He probably could have levelled me (especially when the helmet got knocked over my eyes on every hit), like some partners do to each other. Fortunately, he wasn't ego involved and I got enough experience out of it without hitting the floor or getting injured.

And your brother should pay all your medical costs. Otherwise, I'd tell him to fight some bikers and see how he fares.
I do know it's better to get a possible broken bone fixed right away rather then having to have the doctors rebreak it because it is healing crooked.

Boy blows to the nose are painful. I took a basketball straight on a few years ago and certainly can remember the pain.
If the punch was accidental, I would not blame the partner. However, go get checked out. Make time now--not later.

Otherwise, well, would you rather have your nose broken twice? Thought not.
I would go get it checked asap.

FWIW my nose is now crooked and have slight cauliflower ear, but oh well.

Also I too have been sucker punched while sparring with no hits to face(had no mouth guard). I got hit square in the face, the guys reasoning? I was wide open :/. Yes find better sparring partners haha.
Your brother needs to learn maturity, not fighting skills.

Find a partner who isn't out to "prove" himself in training. Training is not competition and it isn't real. There is no pride to be had in injuring a friend, family member or partner for real during training. It shows a lack of control and extreme callousness towards supposed friends and family.

During my academy boxing match, my partner and I agreed to limit our shots, but it was still real enough. He had all the advantages--size, reach, experience, aggressiveness and my face was bruised afterwards--and that was with gloves and boxing helmets. He probably could have levelled me (especially when the helmet got knocked over my eyes on every hit), like some partners do to each other. Fortunately, he wasn't ego involved and I got enough experience out of it without hitting the floor or getting injured.

And your brother should pay all your medical costs. Otherwise, I'd tell him to fight some bikers and see how he fares.

I agree, it was stupid. I should have known that he wouldn't be able to contain himself. I just won't sparr with him anymore. I'll keep the rest at the gym or self defense.
As for all the people that said I should get an X-Ray it has been improving lately and it is getting less and less "crooked" I think it was just swelling and I may have lucked out this time. If when the swelling goes down and it is still crooked or I have trouble breathing, I will of course see the doctor immediately.
The biggest question is: did you give him a broken nose also? That'll teach him to be more careful when sparring... ;)
Why are you guys talking about X-rays and bones rejoining? Since when were there bones in the nose?

And Stephen, how long has it been since your laser incident? Do we need to send bodyguards around?