Hello Learjet.
I have two of FM's 12aa-3d battery holders. I have run 100W solutions (such as the Osram 64623 and the Osram 62138 (with one of AWR's High Temp HD's) both at est. 8.7 amps) with the holders. In my opinion FM's holders handle that load and higher ones quite well.
However, without decent batteries, voltage sag kicks in to dramatically reduce what voltage is actually getting to the bulb; hence, much less brightness than originally expected. I also run, in one of my favorite lights, the Osram 50W 64610, also with an AWR High Temp hotdriver. I am using Eneloops for that application. As I see things the Eneloops handle the estimated 4.35 amp draw quite well. I would hesitate to use Eneloops in lights that require 6 amps or more, though.
I am hearing good things about the Titanium Powermax 1800's
While I do not have those batteries at this time, I am contemplating getting some in the near future.
Anyway, getting back to your original question, some bulbs that, IMHO, are a reasonably decent fit for the Eneloops in a 12aa holder:
1. Osram 64610 50W
2. Osram 64432 35W
3. Westinghouse 4736 20W
4. Westhinghouse 4738 50W
5. Westhinghouse 4745 35W
6. Osram 64440 50W (not as bright as the 64610, but is a 4000 hr. bulb; 3000 temp)
7. Various other bulbs you can get at Home Depot, Lowe's, your local hardware store, such as GE Product Code 19376, 50W
For high drain batteries such as the Titanium 1800's:
1. Osram 64623 100w 12 cells, direct drive
2. Osram 64625 100w 11 cells + dummy AA, direct drive (12 cells would likely blow the bulb)
3. Osram 62138 100W 11 cells + dummy AA, direct drive
4. Osram 64450 75W 12 cells, direct drive (4000 hr. life bulb; sort of like the IRC's, it might not be as white as you want with spec. temp at 3000)
5. Osram 64458 90W 12 cells, direct drive (also a 4000 hr. bulb; 3000 temp)
My favorite of all is the Osram 64610 solution with a high temp HD. I get some 22 min. of runtime with est. 1300 torch lumens. A great looking white beam that is stunning. I prefer it as my bump-in-the-night light over the 100W bulbs. FYI, I was supposed to be able to pop in the 62138 100W bulb, but I blew the hot driver FET. Sent it back and AWR repaired it. Since then, I have abandoned using the 100W bulbs in the hotdriver setup. To be honest I am not using my 100W bulbs all that much now.
Hope my 2 cents helps,