Buying Advice - Wide beam


Newly Enlightened
Jun 6, 2008
Hi Guys,

I currently own a P3D and I love it - its an excellent light, but I find that I need another. The P3D has excellent brightness and throws well, but now I find that I need a light which is incredibly wide; I don't want to create a tight spot on the wall hundreds of meters off, I'd like to illuminate a wide arc, Ideally, something like 90 or 120 degrees.

I just can't seem to find one - all the new lights are focussed on throw and power.

Any ideas on any lights that might do this?

Among the many lights I have the one that illuminates the widest area is still Surefire U2 with its Luxeon V. I assume that its rather large OP reflector does the job.
I hope that the new UA2 maintains the same feature which is useful in many applications.

BTW Svennig: :welcome:
You might try a light with optics rather than a reflector. My SureFire L1 is almost all hot spot with little spill. Another option with a reflector and still a very wide hotspot (almost a wall of light), might be a light with a P7 emitter. The wide spot in the P7 comes from its 4 emitters combined into a single emitter. Aurora, MTE, and TrustFire make some reasonably price lights with this emitter (see, but the quality of these chinese lights is inconsistent.
The vibrator, er I mean diffuser is cheap and may do what you want (I hear its versatile too! :rolleyes:)
Another option with a reflector and still a very wide hotspot (almost a wall of light), might be a light with a P7 emitter. The wide spot in the P7 comes from its 4 emitters combined into a single emitter. Aurora, MTE, and TrustFire make some reasonably price lights with this emitter (see, but the quality of these chinese lights is inconsistent.
L-mini Q5 left, MTE SSC-P7 right.

If you do get a SSC-P7 get a multi mode. There will be times when the light is too bright on high.
Check this out:

It's already been suggested above but there are some beamshots in my thread. With the M60F drop-in you could choose your own P60 host and you have various battery options as well.

I just noticed this was your first post. :welcome:

If you don't want to mess with drop-ins and hosts you could buy the Surefire L4 or the Inova T1 2008 edition. Those are both flooders the size of the P3D. I doubt they will be as bright as the Malkoff M60F drop in though.
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Very floody with a wide span,also a good cutom setup could achieve this.I have a Milky 2c quad p4's that the spill ignites a room as well as falls into a nice spot,like a Novatac on steroids....beautiful
Keep your PD3! I have two different diffuser materials, one strong, and one mild. If you just e-mail me your address ([email protected]), I would be happy to send you one of each, no charge. It is thin material that you can cut with scissors, and easily can be removed or inserted with your existing lens. That way you don't have to change your flashlight permanently, or buy a different flashlight. I also like the UCL lenses with the LDF (like diffusion film). It has the same effect as the mild diffuser that I have.

Good luck!