I have a 6 cell C Maglite and wondered how well or not the 3000mah NiMH batteries from Radio Shack are expected to perform using the Low and High Pelican bulbs? Thanks.
willrx said:Thanks for the recommendations. So as long 7.2V is not exceeded I'm ok. I just wonder if I'm getting all I can out of this ROP. My 2C w/3x cr123 and 5 cell magstar bulb "seems" just as bright. Am I mistaken?
willrx said:Thank you. So, basically, the 5 cell bulb will have a pretty short life-got it. The Radioshack cells appear to be real C's-but how would I be able to tell? It's the one's on their website-nothing special.
willrx said:Great! That being said, will the rop-lo bulb run with 6 alkaline batteries?