C9000 hidden menu?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 29, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I'm not sure whether some of you guys have actually done this but I'll post it anyway. I'm using a OGOE02 version so YMMV.

There's actually a hidden 'test' mode for the C9000. To get into this mode, pull out the power lead or disconnect the charger from mains supply. Then press the UP button along with any other button on the charger while reinserting the power lead. The charger will go through its usual startup routine. Keep your fingers pressed on the 2 buttons and by the time it reaches nine, something different happens. Instead of turning off the characters in the display disappears one by one! When this happens you can lift your fingers off the buttons. After the last icon disappears you have entered the 'test' menu. In this menu the only buttons that work (as observed by me) are the DOWN and SLOT buttons. There are a total of 4 menus. There's nothing much you can do in each menu. You can select the desired slot to observe what's going on or move to the next menu by pressing DOWN.

1) Charge menu
In this mode the maximum charge current 2A is applied into a selected slot if you have cells in the slot. If you don't, you'll see a current of around 20-25mA. If you have a cell in the slot, you can see the fluctuations of the 2A current in real time. If you have cells in each slot, you can choose which cells to apply this current to. It will only be applied to 1 slot at any time. Be warned though: The presence of a charge termination mechanism is unknown. I've managed to get a fully charged cell really hot in this mode. I pulled the cell out when it got hot. Cell voltage was 1.53v.

Another interesting thing to note is the current is not 'pulsed' like a normal 2A charge. If you listen to the charger, you will notice that the sound is constant, there are no pauses in between.

Press DOWN to proceed to the next menu.

2) Discharge menu
In this mode the charger applies the maximum 1A discharge to the selected slot. Again you can see the current fluctuations in real time. I did not wait for the discharge to end so again, whether the discharge stops at 0.9v is unknown.

Press DOWN to proceed to the next menu.

3) Cell voltage
Here you can use your C9000 as a voltmeter. Press SLOT to see the voltage of each cell. Nothing more to say about this menu.

Press DOWN to proceed to the next menu.

4) Unknown menu.
I have yet to figure out this one. It shows voltages higher than the maximum 1.47v applied to a cell during charge and it actually climbs at a steady rate. Around 0.01V per minute. The presence of a cell does not make a difference. Initially I thought is was the values of the impendence test before a charge but it was not. The impendence tests show voltages much higher for the cells I have in the charger. My guess is the voltages are some calibration values for the charger as each one is different.

Press DOWN to exit the test mode and return to your usual C9000 mode selection screen.

So there you go, the 'hidden' menus. It would be nice if someone discovers some way to adjust the parameters of the charger, in particular the 1.47v cap, ala HDS style. :naughty:
Very interesting! How did you find this out - from experimenting, or did someone in the know tell you about it?

I've just confirmed that my 0FAB02 and 0G0B01 units also have this feature, so I think it's safe to say that all C9000s probably have this.

I think that the last menu option is for checking the thermistors (or whatever they're using for checking cell temperatures) If you put it in that mode and then stick your finger on the metal band near the negative terminal, you'll see the voltage go down as heat is transferred from your finger to the band. The middle slots give higher readings than the outer slots on both versions - I'm guessing that it's a tweak to prevent the inner slots from tripping the over temperature cutoff earlier than the outside slots.

BTW, at least on my units, you can stop pressing the buttons as soon as you've applied power.
Can you normally hear pulsing at 2A? At 2A the pulse width duty cycle is near 100% anyway, so there's a chance that you'd hear less.
Hi Power Me Up,

I found it by chance! I was really frustrated with the 1.47v termination (see my rant in another thread) and after getting sick of studying this morning (4AM) I was trying different things while the batteries were charging ... pressing and holding each button for a while....like what we did when we tried to find the HDS back door some time ago. Until a point I pulled the power lead out and kept the 4 buttons pressed while plugging it in again. That's how I found the hidden menus. Then it was a series of tests to find out the different key combinations to enter the menus. Following that I was trying to determine which buttons worked in the menus....finally figuring out the functions of each one.....(yeah I know, I have a final exam tomorrow and I'm fiddling with my C9000 :ohgeez:)
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I'm not sure whether some of you guys have actually done this but I'll post it anyway. I'm using a OGOE02 version so YMMV.

There's actually a hidden 'test' mode for the C9000. To get into this mode, ...

4) Unknown menu.
I have yet to figure out this one. :naughty:

The second voltage in the MH-C9000 diagnostic menu is the trigger voltage above which the 'HIGH' message is displayed. This is the voltage required to charge the cell at the 2 A level. The trigger voltage varies with the state of charge of the cell, which is estimated from the output voltage of the cell. The trigger voltage is higher at low states of charge, because the internal impedance of a normal cell increases at low capacity (i.e., at low output voltage).

I hope this makes sense. I could publish some tables of actual data, if anyone cares about this.
I hope this makes sense. I could publish some tables of actual data, if anyone cares about this.

I am interested. Nice thread necro by the way. Didn't know about this feature until now. Great first post too! :welcome:

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