Flashlight Enthusiast
Today where I live in the northeast USA, the sun set a minute later then yesterday, a week before the winter solstice, the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. By the time the solstice hits, it will set even a few minutes later. The reason today (or yesterday) isn't the shortest day of the year is that despite the fact the sun is now setting later, it continues to rise later. In fact it will continue to rise later until the very first days of January, quite a bit after the solstice. In summer the opposite is true, the sun starts rising later before the summer solstice and continues to set later after the summer solstice.
Why is this so? What brings on this unevenness? Why doesn't the sun rise the latest and set the earliest on Dec 21st?
Why is this so? What brings on this unevenness? Why doesn't the sun rise the latest and set the earliest on Dec 21st?