can someone help me access the strobe feature on my first Ra light?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 13, 2010
Howdy yall I'm new here. This is my first quality light at a cost beyond $20.00. I can't find any info on how to access the strobe feature on this light (Ra EDC Exuctive 120 lumen) I've read the manual the card plus I've done several web searches and no luck. Can some one help me out?
You probably need to enable customization. It's a specific 20 click sequence.
You'll find detailed instructions in the manual.
I'll type it out for you tonight if you can't find it. I'm on my mobile, si I'm limited right now.
Here's the step-by-step to get into programming:

-Turn the light on. Any level, it doesn't matter.
-Without turning the light off, completely unscrew and remove the battery compartment.
-Wait a second or two, then put it back on ALL THE WAY. As the battery compartment connects to the head of the light, it will turn on. Finish screwing the head and body together. Quickly.
-While the light is still lit, or within a few seconds of it blinking off, begin clicking the light on and off. Do this at least 20 times, or until the light stops clicking on/off with each press.
-Once it stops clicking on/off with each press of the switch, press and hold the button. You will see a dim to bright sequence in output. Do not release the switch until the light turns itself off.

The light is now in programming mode.

Choose any level that you want to program. While in that level, double click press-hold-release (2 clicks, 1 longer press). You have now selected that level to program.

You can increase it output or cycle through the outputs. You can increase the output by merely clicking once. Eventually, you'll move through all of the output modes, and enter the blinking modes. To go down in brightness at anytime, double click. After that double click, a single click will drop down one mode... No need to keep double clicking.

To program that mode for a particular output or flashing sequence...

-Once on the wanted mode, press and hold. There will be another dim to bright sequence, and then the light will turn off. Release the switch only after the light turns off.
Are all Ra lights like this ?
That procedure sounds horrible to me.
No offense !
Are all Ra lights like this ?
That procedure sounds horrible to me.
No offense !

Yes......but it sounds worse than it actually is. I was also initially apprehensive, but it's not really hard in reality. It's harder to explain it in written form which it appear to be complicated. Keep in mind that this only to program the light and usually only done the one time. Once you have enabled customization you can just leave it enabled and you won't have to go through all these steps. Once you're happy with how the 4 preset levels are setup, you would rarely need to re-program the light because 4 preset levels will cover most lighting needs. The UI is very simple and switching between the 4 preset levels is very intuitive.
Are all Ra lights like this ?
That procedure sounds horrible to me.
No offense !

All the Clickies, at least. But this procedure is only to enable programming. It's done this way so that you can't accidentally enable programming.

Once you've enabled programming, you program by either using a double-click + press or a triple-click + press (depending on whether you want to set a brightness level or a UI option).

So you enable programming just once and never worry about it again.

Really, it's not horrible at all.

It got me at first too. I thought I had to enter programming mode to set each level. Once you are in programming mode, it stays in programming mode. You cant set each level and then you can enter the customization menu too. Once you get it setup the way you like, you simply exit the programming mode through the customization menu and you never have to do it again, unless you want to change something later. Or, you can leave it in programming mode. I prefer to turn programming off. I can do it now without looking at the instructions.