Can you explain to a newbie please this!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2009
North Wales UK
Guess this has been asked a 1000 times but why do members need so many flash lights?

I understand different needs etc but when I read posts like I have just bought my 3rd AAA cell light I wonder why you need 3.

Is it because you are addicted to them and forming a collection like a stamp collection?

Even I as a newbie have 3 different sizes and 2 more AAA on the way and probably answering my own question, I think I am becoming an addict.lovecpf
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why do people want good cars? why do people want so many shoes? clothes? purses? watches? knives? guns? etc etc. ;)
Because it's a hobby. Does anyone need small model cars that don't drive and are easily breakable? No, but I have a bunch anyways because I collect them, and the neighbors gave us a bunch.

Which of your lights have come in already? If any?
You apparently do not really understand flash lights. Torches. Handheld illuminating devices.

We do not need them, (we really do) we WANT THEM.

I have a list of what will be next. Patience is a virtue in this line of endeavor.

You apparently have not been struck, taken, bitten, or otherwise seduced by this desire.

Besides, you have to see in the dark.
Because it's a hobby. Does anyone need small model cars that don't drive and are easily breakable? No, but I have a bunch anyways because I collect them, and the neighbors gave us a bunch.

Which of your lights have come in already? If any?

I collect model cars as well and have hundreds and have been for 30 years or so but selling more these days than I buy.

Lights so far my first Streamlight Microstream and its bigger brother,had both for over 12 months.A large cheap but useful magnetic multi led work lamp.
On the way is the ITP A3 and a 3 watt cree cheapie.

Almost forgot stopped at my local Tesco today in the UK and picked up a 3 watt double c cell jobbie because well think I just WANTED it.
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I love, and have always loved flashlights.

Now I have found the place to come to, to gain information on the greatest flashlights available in the world.

Not only are they toys to me, they are tools.

I love flashlights, and lovecpf

I also collect many other things!

But flashlights are my primary means.
because your a flashaholic, not proven in the medical books yet, but with this many memebers on CPF i believe it can be in the medical books.

the closest broad term would be addiction =] your addict to bright shiney things...

for me its a passion...i've loved lights since atleast 3rd grade...( im 23 now )
My hobbies include ghosthunting, rc's, and of course lights. I got into it years ago with my first led light that i bought at radioshack and i still have that light. Its just something that one likes i guess. I look forward to where technology is taking us with the new features and new leds. And when the lights go out you want something to light your way dont you.
I have been (am) addicted to collecting several things - so far this addiction is not overwhelming (I generally itch each year around the time change). For me it is often about looking for the perfect tool for a given situation. Problem is I can imagine a lot of situations. Sad thing a specific situation might only come around once every few years - by then there is a new perfect tool.
This is a good question. I think anyone who says they need all their lights is kind of crazy. I have way more than I need. I just want them. Lately, however, I've been kind of getting annoyed at the redundancy. The materials, quality, etc are so close with the top brands (Nitecore, Fenix, 4Sevens, etc) that I end up with 5 lights that are extremely similar.
- More is better

- One might fail

- The eternal search for The One True EDC

- Someone else might need one

- One for each application

We look for ways to improve our senses and abilities., it's part of being human.
We're not satisfied with what we were born with.
If we had better night vision, flashlights would serve little value.
If we could fly we wouldn't have as much need for cars.
Razor-sharp talons would eliminate the need for your EDC quick-release knife.
The list goes on and on.

Many of us have needed a flashlight in the past and have been disappointed with the performance of cheap lights only to find our way here and overcompensate a little. OK, a lot. It takes a while to find your preferences. I've recently discovered that a twisty style light suits me fine so I'm getting rid of most of my clicky lights and trying to keep my total lights down to a reasonable number.
I am also fascinated by the technology that has come so far in my lifetime and the devotion of some of the people involved in this scene.

When I was in Jr. High, Texas Instruments came out with a wristwatch with LED displays, I would not have believed those little red lights would be lighting up my world some day.

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