Can you still buy the P2D Rebel 100?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 29, 2009
I own a P2D Rebel 100 and my friend would like to buy one because of its warm tint. Can you still purchase them anywhere? If so, how much $ would he be looking at? Thanks for your help!
It's not a massive help to you, but I saw a new one sell on eBay for £19 the other day.

I don't think they're in production any more.
You could sell yours to him, and purchase a Quark 5A neutral-white.
I own one of these, and just so you know - this model of P2D was before the "pre-flash" fix, which means when switching modes, the light very briefly starts at maximum output and then quickly fades down to the selected level. Not a huge deal, but turning the light on low in a small room looks like an explosion with dark-adjusted eyes.

I'd recommend instead some of the JetBeam warm emitter-option lights, particularly the Element; it's a simpler and more elegant design, runs on a common battery (AA), and most people find the rich Cree Q3 warm tint more appealing than the Rebel 100's somewhat bland color (the Rebel was also recalled for premature aging/yellowing issues.)

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