Seen the Energizer Trailfinder PERFORMANCE cap swivel light, with 3 leds outputting 30 lumens. Also has a couple of small red leds. This cap light pivots above the bill of the cap. Has anyone bought this light and can comment on its performance?
Sure can, just got it at Wally World an hour ago for 14.88, the very first thing I noticed is the way you put the batteries in, there are 2 red tabs that hold 2 halves together that you pull outward, they're kind of hard to pull outand I don't feel they go outward enough, there's not much clearance between the half that pulls away, I'm not too confident that these will not break. The clip itself seems pretty sturdy with plastic on the top and metal for the bottom and it doesn't feel like it's going to fall of easily (later I'll do some :rock: to see if it stays on) and has 4 swivel positions 0, 30, 60 and 90 degrees and it seems to stay in each postition pretty well.
The switch is a reverse clicky, but it's purely mechanical, you have to actually click it to change the modes, half pressing just turns it of momentarily. This also means if it's clicked without batteries, it might come on in high or any other mode when the batteries are replaced.
I'll comment later on the red mode, which comes on first, when my eyes are adjusted to dark to see how pleasant it is to use. The white LED's use small aspherics which gives it a pretty nice circular moon beam in the middle and there is a pretty decent amount of artifacty side spill. The output of the white LED's is also not too shabby, I'm willing to be this uses the Nichia GS as Energizer uses them in a lot of their other lights and the 30 lumen claim seems pretty accurate. There does not really seem to be too much of a difference between low and high, I'll charge up some of my NiMH's and make sure that this is actually how the modes are spaced and not low batteries.
I honestly don't know weither or not I reccomend this light, I definately need to play with it more. I'm sure I left some details out, so anything you want to know, just ask.