I was thinking about switches for controlling dynamo lights, and the cabling necessary to support it. Cat 5e networking cable is pretty easy for me to get, and it has 8 wires arranged as 4 twisted pairs. It would be very handy for wiring to switches.
Looking at the spec, it is 24 gauge wire, conservatively rated for .577 amps - which is right about the current put out by your garden variety hub dynamo.
How conservative are these ratings? Would it be reasonable to use cat5e cabling for running a cable to a multi-pole switch? (for example, up a steerer tube)
It looks like Cat6 is made up of strands of 23 gauge, which is rated at .729 amps - though I don't know how easy it will be find cat6.
Looking at the spec, it is 24 gauge wire, conservatively rated for .577 amps - which is right about the current put out by your garden variety hub dynamo.
How conservative are these ratings? Would it be reasonable to use cat5e cabling for running a cable to a multi-pole switch? (for example, up a steerer tube)
It looks like Cat6 is made up of strands of 23 gauge, which is rated at .729 amps - though I don't know how easy it will be find cat6.