Celluar phone photography-boon or bane?

thats it i hate this canon im to stupid to use it and it cost way to much and with the 70-200 2.8 lens it weighs 4000 pounds lol look how blury the pics are used a nice tripod no luck


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Would of never risked my dslr in this rain btw we are getting hammered lol .. crazy storm we was warned to leave homes . So me being me go outside and film it lol
I play around with a few different cameras.

I like my iPhone 14 Pro. It takes great shots and even better videos if set up correctly.

I also have a Sony a7II I use to take full-frame photos and a Canon G7 Mark II.
I like my Sony full frame shots, but I have to carry a bag around with me, grip two batteries in it, and have 1 overall lense that works.

The Canon G7 is nice, but again, many batteries are needed. 20+ meg photos.

I can take great 1080p videos (not crazy about the 4k ones) on my iPhone right now.
I'm way to dumb to get this shot on my dslr.. with cell phone smarts I just pretty much click and go I know this shot is not perfect but it isn't awful


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That's a nice night sky!
We have so much light pollution, and the real thing, that I have to go 75 to 100 miles to get anything close to that many stars in the sky.
so boring here poppy but we do have nice skys and no crime. just wish we had at least a grocery store lol. .
working on a star trail with the dlsr now. it takes so long and im sure i did it wrong ill know in a hour from now i guess lol. i wish dslrs used googles smarts or at least i was smart lol

That was nearly exactly what my eyes saw.
I would have had to do trial and error settings on my SLR to match what my eyes see. That dynamic color only lasted like a minute.


About a minute later won't bad but I probably would have missed the previous shot trying to dial in my SLR. I keep it tweaked for wildlife shots by enhancing greens and blues ever so slightly. I'd have to go deep in the menu to tweak reds like my iPhone does automatically.

Edit: Now, I realize the photo shot with an SLR could print the size of a billboard and still look good where it starts looking fuzzy on a 24" monitor when shot on an iPhone. But I don't recall printing any billboard size photos and my monitor is 18".
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my star trail was a sad sad thing i have no idea what im doing at at 90 minutes a shot im not doing it again lol nice shot bykfixer. cool thing about digital is no waste in film i been into photography since the lentax k1000 days lol and forgot so much
One thing I learned taking night shots with my Nikon's was pushing the shutter button with my finger startled the tripod enough to get a blurry picture. Any wind at all, same thing. I used the 5 second timer to open the shutter and got better results.

Another thing I learned was use the hook hanging down from the tripod to hang ballast like your camera bag or something that weighs a couple of pounds.

The biggest problem I had, or rather the most expensive to solve was the ball head. The ball was not strong enough to hold certain camera/lens combinations so the camera would move ever so slightly up or down depending on the angle I had it aimed. A Kirk BH-1 ballhead was rated to hold a 12 pound bowling ball hanging from a 3 fooot arm. Never had a drift problem with that one.

I also used ISO 100 for long exposures.