CFL in a 50/100/150 socket


Mar 7, 2005
Houston, TX
I have a lamp that was originally made for a 3 way bulb. I am ruinning a 26 watt CFL in it. Which setting 50.100.150 will be the most efficient with the ballast?
Whichever one turns it on. There will be no difference.

The 3 way lamp simply has 2 contacts for the base of the bulb. A 3-way bulb simply has 2 contacts at its base, for 2 different filaments inside. There is a 50W filament, and a 100W filament. To get 150W, both filaments are used.

The lamp its self has a swich that supplies power to one, the other, or both of the bottom contacts for the bulb. Since your CFL only has one contact, whatever makes it light up is what you should use. Regardless of which switch position you use, efficiency will be the same - your bulb will be either on at full power or off.
It only turns on in the 100,150 position. I was thinking the lamp upped the voltage or something to make the light brighter. If not I guess it does not matter like you said.

Sounds like it's working fine. Only the 100 and 150 positions apply power to the center contact of the base. The 50 position applies power to the outer contact on the base. Since your CFL only has a contact on the center of the base, it won't get any power in that position.

You would find the same behavior if you put a regular bulb in the same lamp.