I'll just try to keep it simple If you have a C-Pack there's a good chance it doesn't tailstand and the switch may be too stiff for your liking. Don has said that the rubber boot from the SF Z57 tailcap should work to relieve both issues. The difference is that the flange on the Z57 boot takes up the space that normally would be filled by both the stock boot and an o-ring. Also the Z57 is thinner and much more flexible.
Zo, the boot from a Lumapower M1 switch is a perfect fit. Ricky (Lumapower's rep here at CPF) has said the switch is $7. I got a spare (GID) boot with my M1, but don't know if the boot is part of a purchased switch kit.
There you go, that's what I know. 7 bucks to fix what might be an annoying issue for some. You do need to cut off the little bumper that LM uses to contact the switch itself, but turning the boot inside out makes this a no brainer.
Oh, it fixes it very well - MUCH softer activation and no tailstand problem at all. The "feel" in hand of the LP boot and my SF A2 boot is pretty much the same.
Zo, the boot from a Lumapower M1 switch is a perfect fit. Ricky (Lumapower's rep here at CPF) has said the switch is $7. I got a spare (GID) boot with my M1, but don't know if the boot is part of a purchased switch kit.
There you go, that's what I know. 7 bucks to fix what might be an annoying issue for some. You do need to cut off the little bumper that LM uses to contact the switch itself, but turning the boot inside out makes this a no brainer.
Oh, it fixes it very well - MUCH softer activation and no tailstand problem at all. The "feel" in hand of the LP boot and my SF A2 boot is pretty much the same.