Cheap Reliable Beater?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2007
Orlando, FL
Looking for something with a $25 (maybe 30) budget, for emergency nighttime pool-pump repair.

Runtime required is 15 minutes at a go, and it can either be rechargeable or reliable. Only requirement is it has to work when turned on (ideally, it'll also be cheap to feed.)

Battery type can be anything I have on hand - alkaline C/D, AA NiMH, or 123a.

Form factor and switching preferences are unspecified.

i have the ol husky 4w 2d, works a charm as reviewed here on the forums and pretty durable (survived a few drops from waist height). available from home depot for about 25 bucks
I was leaning in that direction. But not quite - I was thinking 2d-6AA Maglite with Magnum Star xenon bulb.
Battery type can be anything I have on hand - alkaline C/D, AA NiMH, or 123a.
Doesn't Energizer offer a tripod-like light which has capabilities to run on AA's, C's and D's? Perhaps I'm wrong; I'd link to it myself but not entirely sure what I'm looking for though. Thought I'd remembered reading the box on one at an Ace Hardware store. Sorry I couldn't have been of more assistance. :shrug:
You may want to look into headlamps if your going to be doing pool pump repair work. That way it frees up your hands to work.
One of the reasons I believe the ROP is the king of practical hotwires - you've got the HOLA, LOLA, and X-LOLA lamps for whatever you need, and it's somewhat possible to swap PR bulbs cleanly in the field. :D
One of the reasons I believe the ROP is the king of practical hotwires - you've got the HOLA, LOLA, and X-LOLA lamps for whatever you need, and it's somewhat possible to swap PR bulbs cleanly in the field. :D

The X-LOLA being? A magnum star bulb?
Cheap and reliable, that does leave a lot of options. My 2 beater lights are my task force 2C and a brinkmann maxfire with an led drop in.

This might be nice in a toolbox, it is bright:

Or this if you had room:

What would be the most reliable bulb in a mag 2C with 3 123 primaries?
Years ago I bought a Romisen RC-C3, which is a single 123a which also handles rcr123a's. I carried it for a while then went on to the next tryout. My wife, Vera, has had it ever since and recently brought it to me "it doesn't work". I swapped the rcr123a for another recharged AWrcr123a and gave it back to her. "Good. It's working again." She has come to depend on it for outside and inside light. She does not know it, but is a flashaholic now..

I recommend the Romisen RC-C3 as a candidate for inexpensive edc. It is simple to use as a twisty, and well-enough made to last for our use. It fits the pocket well, not sticking out at the ends. And it's bright too.
Okay, to qualify: this isn't for me, it's for my mother.

She owns:
Fenix E01
Inova Xo3, transition model (K2 + optic)
5mm LED based Energizer headlamp

My thoughts are the E01 is too dim, the X03 too throwy, and the headlamp would be a good supplemental light for this stuff.
If this is repair work you will be needing a headlamp i would think. I would spend just about $5-$10 more and get the Princeton Tec Eos II with the rebel LED. It has different light levels, runs on AAA, is water resistant, has adjustable angle on the light beam and is a great quality product. It puts out 50 lumens on high and is voltage regulated.
If this is repair work you will be needing a headlamp i would think. I would spend just about $5-$10 more and get the Princeton Tec Eos II with the rebel LED. It has different light levels, runs on AAA, is water resistant, has adjustable angle on the light beam and is a great quality product. It puts out 50 lumens on high and is voltage regulated.

Hey, Captain. How do you know so much and still be a newbie?:welcome:
Rayovac Sportsman Extreme/Highbeam 1watt or 3 watt. Available for $20-30, simple robust twist/momentary UI, grippy, and has a clip.

But I also agree with a headlamp. You can get a number of decent ones for <=$30 if you go that route.
Derringer would be a good suggestion for an EDC, but probably isn't bright enough. Also, 13 modes? I'm hesitant to suggest it as my mother owns nothing more complicated than an Inova lockout tailcap.

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