Chicken problem


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
I walked through my gate and into my side yard a week ago...and had a bird come running over to me...hid behind my feet... looked around to see a black cat scamper away. It was bloody around the tail area. Thought it was a big baby crow or baby black bird perhaps. So I borrowed a cage from my neighbor...put it in with the door open and left it in the yard thinking the parents would claim it or something.

After a was getting dark...I put it in my shed for the night. It was/is a very freindly ugly thing.

Well hold on...let me make this story shorter. I now know what a teenage chicken looks like. I didn`t mind playing hero to a bird that I figured I could spend a week helping out and then it would just fly know...good deed...might help save my soul...

But now I`m ain`t never going to fly away. I live in a regular housing development...don`t know where it could have come from...don`t even think chickens are allowed. My brother ownes a small farm...but hates chickens. Likes to feed any that escape from surrounding farms to a large snake his son keeps out there.

Everyone thinks my problem is funny...and I guess someday I will look back at this and laugh also. For now my search for a happy home for my little buddy is ongoing. Just wish it wasn`t such a sweet thing...I love chicken noodle soup.
Americans are so squeamish. Someone from another culture wouldn't think twice about plucking and roasting that bird.
Ask the proper authority whether chickens are allowed in your housing development, and if so, what has to be done to keep them. If not, advertise your feathered friend in your local Craigslist. There must be someone near you who's looking for a friendly pet and doesn't mind chickens.
rather than shooting the bird I'd pay the city hall a visit for the possibility of improper zone usage...first, then we can consider whether its a hen or a ****..

If its a hen keep it, if its the latter...go for it

I have personally experienced raising chickens....they are fun provided they know you [I held mine since they were in eggs] and will not attack you if you try to move it:huh:
and thankfully, they were all hens...they'll sleep beside you given the chance, and make very warm pillows in winters. [We've had 5, all but one left us from hawks]:mecry:
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Look up your local animal rescue organization. They probably have contacts with farmers that can give it a good home. BTW I don't think it's a funny story as much as a sweet one, especially how you've gained the trust of that animal so quickly! :)
Look up your local animal rescue organization. They probably have contacts with farmers that can give it a good home. BTW I don't think it's a funny story as much as a sweet one, especially how you've gained the trust of that animal so quickly! :)

oh the memories this brings back :grin2:
believe it or not our first chicken wasn't bought or born from an egg...its was a hen that followed us to our car when we paid a visit to a friend who was a rancher... with a little bit of luck and an agreement with her owner shes in a box and we rode home.
1 <3 chickens, and I try not to think about them whenever I eat chicken:ohgeez:

For those who like this pic, heres the 1200x900 version
Funny how there was an article about farm animals in the Los Angles urban areas. Like chickens in back yards and goats and small horses and so on.
Apparently there are a lot more animals of this type living in the Los Angles area than even before.

I say kill it and clean it and eat it.
Funny how there was an article about farm animals in the Los Angles urban areas. Like chickens in back yards and goats and small horses and so on.
Apparently there are a lot more animals of this type living in the Los Angles area than even before.

I say kill it and clean it and eat it.

a petting zoo broke their door:whistle:
At least it's not a rooster! They'll claim your backyard as their own territory and attack you when you turn your back.