Church by Flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Mar 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
Last night we had what Flashaholics dream about; A power outage!

My church is small and we rent a building from another church that uses it on Sunday mornings, so we have church Sunday nights. The power had just gone out when I got to the building, and the pastor had already collected all the candles he could find and started lighting them around the auditorium. But it's difficult (and possibly hazardous) to read sheet music with a candle, and open flame is much less than ideal for a children's program, so...

Flashlight Geek to the rescue!

I keep a Streamlight Argo HP headlamp in the trunk for emergencies, which I was able to duck tape to the end of a mic stand and shine over the musicians' shoulders so they could read the music.

I put the diffuser attachment onto my Fenix L2D from my coat pocket and used a strip of duck tape to hang it from the ceiling in the middle of the childrens area for them. Which, by the way, if you own a P or L series Fenix and you didn't buy the diffuser attachment, you should! It makes a fantastic lantern! Set on high, it lit up the whole room with no worries about the batteries running out during the service!

The Mini Mag LED that I keep in my glove box went to the childrens leader to aid with shuttling the kids to and from their program.

I kept the Arc AAA, my EDC, for myself. We used it to rummage through the storage area to find the offering plates and a few other things.

And during the service the coolest thing happened: God showed up and it was one of the best services we've had!

I don't want to start a big theological thread right here, but if what I'm about to say offends you, well, tough:

God had a purpose for me, a lowly flashlight geek, last night. It wasn't a hugely important purpose, but it felt good to be used. Not all of us can be lucky enough to have a power outage, but I believe God has a purpose for you too if you make yourself available. Have you felt like God's been pursuing you? Maybe it's time to stop running the other way.
YEAHHH flashlight geek! :-D I've always thought the atmosphere during a power outage would make for a great service, some of the distractions go away. unfortunately our church has a backup generator and probably redundant power service too :(
That's a great story! It's nice to be equipped with all that lights when most needed. It sure beats those candles, especially as a fire hazard with the kids.

Glad that the Father of lights showed up at the service: that's what Church is all about! Amen brother!
Cool story, and thanks for sharing it! That's the great thing about being a well equipped flashaholic and a true believer - when you look towards the Light, all shadows fall behind!
Good story, so that's why you carry so many flashlights. If I had a quarter for everytime I'm asked that I'd be a wealthy man and I'm sure I'm in good company here
Great job GZ, never hurts to have 5+ lights with all of the trim with you at any given time! Few power outages in Redmond too, 1.5 hrs South of you.
I guess your church ain't that type we see in the movies with eeriely glowing interior full of candle light and parishioners lighting one candle for every sin they committed that day/week or for every prayer they make.

Just imagine if you were to light one flashlight for every sin.
hahaha! then i guess you're a sinner :-D

" SureFire 6P LED;FENIX T1;P3D Q5;L2D Q5;L2D Rb100;L2D-CE;MTE Rb80;RR 1w 2AA;Dorcy K2 6AAA;RR K2 3AA hlght;MTE 1AA SSC-P4;Petzl Tikka;Nite Ized 1w 2AA Maglite;Nite Ized 3LED 2AA Maglite;Sportsman Xtreme 1w/3x 5mm 1AA hlight;InovaX1 g2&3"

sorry, the opportunity was too good to pass up...
Not surprising....God loves flashlights! Know who doesn't like them? Gods "adversaries." I can say for certain that they HATE Cree's. Which is why when I'm on a ghost investigation, I usually have at least a L2D, P2D, and a UF C2 Q5. I've had a few interesting experiences with this.....
Great story fellow brother! What's important is our willingness to be used by God for His purposes.

No spectacular story here. I've used my flashlights in camps for some of our fun presentations (spotlights, or the strobe as some sort of disco light). And turned on my L2D RB100 during a power outage (in a recent camp) and my friends were immediately impressed by the brightness.
Well I've used my LF5 with the diffuser to read the Bible at my friday morning men's Bible study (since it is at the priests house at 7am in his living room, often with a nice fire burning, and there aren't enough lamps for my old eyes) but never been able to save a service.
hahaha! then i guess you're a sinner :-D

" SureFire 6P LED;FENIX T1;P3D Q5;L2D Q5;L2D Rb100;L2D-CE;MTE Rb80;RR 1w 2AA;Dorcy K2 6AAA;RR K2 3AA hlght;MTE 1AA SSC-P4;Petzl Tikka;Nite Ized 1w 2AA Maglite;Nite Ized 3LED 2AA Maglite;Sportsman Xtreme 1w/3x 5mm 1AA hlight;InovaX1 g2&3"

sorry, the opportunity was too good to pass up...

I need to sin more!

"We all are sinners and have fallen too short." I think I quoted that from somewhere in the Bible, the verse I no longer remember.
Haha good joke Fird.

Itiu, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", Romans 3:23 (NIV)

I only have two so far, NiteCore Defender Infinity and Fenix L2D RB100. And I gave a romisen RC-I3 to my sister and I distributed some little flashlights to my friends for Christmas. So what does that make me? hahaha
sure God can use flashaholics, too! Thanks for sharing! :goodjob:
at least from that point on no one can make fun of you anymore carrying so many flashlights with you!

Same happened to me in another circumstance - there was glazed frost last year Christmas eve, when a young guy tried to pass by our car. He lost control and crashed into the hillside. Just before we left I told my wife to put the orb raw into her purse. We were lucky to have this amazing light - cause neither the police nor the ambulance (as far as I remember) had a flashlight. With the raw we were able to help the injured (and even help out the policeman that he was able to write down the circumstances of the accident). From that time on my wife never again said "you and your flashlights" :whistle:
I've found that the new floody lights (McLux Mules and Zebralight) have worked well for lighting music. Have done this quite a few times now and each time has been a blessing for the musicians.

My sound guy also appreciates the lights. Nice to be prepared to help others.

but I believe God has a purpose for you too if you make yourself available. Have you felt like God's been pursuing you? Maybe it's time to stop running the other way.

That was cool story GuyZero and neat that the Lord blessed the church with your preparedness that evening. I just wanted to quote your post again because it was so true. When God said that "He so loved the world," it's referring to everyone, including those who don't yet know Him. To stop running is the best thing I ever did in my life. :)
good call!
good job, candles are not really all that hazardous fire-wise unless theres wind coming in from the door or what night that might blow paper all over the place, its more of the carbon monoxide output in an enclosed environment.

last time I heard of "god showed up during service" was that lightning struck a nearby building:candle:

can you uh...elaborate on that?