CMG Reactor is an LS


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
The Reactor IS AN LS! No regulation as stated earlier though. CMG takes second place behind Arc co.
Info comes straight from the horse...CMG. But...everyone who knew the details on the step up was gone for the day already by the time I called. The lady could only (finally) tell me it was indeed an LS and is very bright "about the same as an conventional 12 led light but it projects much farther").

So it looks like I was wrong in my postings in the other thread. One of the few times I am happy to be completely wrong

My guess at this point would be there is a step-up. Probably to the recomended voltage/ amps (350). I will guess it will run brightly for about 1/2 hour and slowly fizzel out from there over the coures of ten hours as they claim...then run for a hundred hours as bright as a Photon 3 on low...pretty dim.
Depending on the final street price, I think I need to get one.

Anybody know if it'll be a twist on/off? Then mebbe not...
Well. I know what the next flashlight I'm going to buy is!
grin.gif is selling them for about $32. This light looks like it will be the bright for your buck leader...bumping off the lightwaves.

Now if it had regulation, a press on/off switch, and multiple power levels...well...I guess it would be more expensive.

We will have to wait and see what Surefire brings to the table for our lighting pleasure.

I will look forward to a review from one of our members if anyone gets one of these.

So is Arc LS regulated? If not then they are the same light. Is this accurate?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KenB:
I will look forward to a review from one of our members if anyone gets one of these.

You can count on me then. Though who knows, it could be a whole year like it was for the Zzz...flame.

Seriously though, I'll try to get one as soon as they come out.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR.dimbulb/badbeam:
The Reactor IS AN LS! No regulation as stated earlier though. CMG takes second place behind Arc co.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, you've got us all excited again, "Mr.Bulb"! -Thanks for making that phone call.
Sounds good Craig.

Lonewolf, it is my understanding that there are differant regulators...some hold the brightness very constant...others have a steady drop as the batts loose the game...but stay brighter than no regulator.

The Arc LS does have regulation...but I cannot comment on it`s abilty to maintane the brightness through out the run. The Opelac Newbeam three led being discussed in another thread is regulated to run full constant brightness for a long time.

Anyway...the Arc LS is the superior light...but it is more expensive.

Alright, alright Doug...I admit I was Mr. bulb. Remind me not to take you with me next time I go trick or treating...I will come home with an empty bag...I`m just releived I didn`t make any spelling mistakes. Guess I`m improving quit a bit hu?
Ken I am interested in how this light will perform but the price is favorable. I hope Craig gets one so I can check it out before buying. I would like to know how quickly it "dims".
Yea Lonewolf, me too. I would also like to see a head to head between the Reactor, Arc and Inova X5.

Howdy Everyone:

The boys at CMG are going to make
allot of flashaholics foam at the
mouth in longing for the CMG Reactor.

Between the NEW Fresnel Lens, NEWLY
designed circuit board, this 6 - inch
long, 2-AA battery single white LED flashlight will, we think, leave a
number of manufacturers in the dust.

Of course the GREAT ONE up on LED Museum Mountain, will have to give all of us
his great words of wisdom once he has
had a chance to get his paws on one.

We have some information at our web site
if anyone is interested.
At the home page scroll down to the
LED Flashlight Section.

Have a good one to all.

Gary Turk
Eppe's Corner

[email protected]
I, like many others will be buying this new light. But before I buy any more new lights, I ask my fellow members to consider donating to the LED Museum Computer Fund.

If you haven't heard about it already, a fund was started two days ago. The objective is raise enought money to buy a replacement computer for Craig and the LED Museum

If we can afford $30+ for another flashlight that we so desperately *need* , surely we can spare some for one our own...

(off the soap box)
Yes, the Arc LS is semi-regulated. That means the output begins to droop immediately as the batteries are consumed. But the output droop is far slower than in an unregulated light, as the CMG appears to be. So the Arc stays brighter for longer, then peters out (intended) quicker at the end of the batteries' life.
peak brightness for 10 hours? how does it do that with a ls and 2 aa batteries? something doesnt sound right.
Gary if you can get one of these to Craig to review and it is as good as you say you will sell alot of these.
Oh, I am going to have to send them an Email and see if they can spare some for us to test. This looks interesting.
So has anyone actually pre-ordered one of these CMG Reactor already? Would it be better if you pre-order one of these puppies, or should I wait? I visited their website earlier and it sells for only $30!!! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the price is pretty cheap for an LS flashlight.

Thanks everyone!


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