COAST "Focus Dim" and "Dimming Lenser" 7795 & 7798


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
Northern CA
Coast recently released a couple of lights that have the ability to be dimmed. They have a rotary tail twist it to turn it on, and continue twisting to reduce the output. A neat feature is that if, from off, you turn it clockwise (viewed from the rear), the light comes on at full brightness. If you (from off again) turn it counter-clockwise, it comes on in dim mode. It's neat because you can turn the switch any can go directly to high or directly to low....ramp up in brightness, ramp down in brightness...anything you want. The bad thing is that the typical Coast momentary feature is lost, as there's no on/off button. For me this hasn't really been a problem...the way it's setup is still better than a reverse clicky. With a reverse clicky, you have to press once to click on, then press again to click off. With this switch, you just slightly rotate it for on, then quickly rotate back the other way for off. It only takes about 1/8" of movement, and it can be done very quickly.

The brightness control follows a logarithmic pattern, so the level of brightness quickly transitions as the switch is turned. You can dial up any level with a quick twist. Total rotation is about 7/8 turn. Low is pretty low, about 7 lumens or so. By the way, only the rear portion of the tailcap rotates, not the whole thing. It's action is very easy, almost too easy. I'd almost be afraid that it would inadvertently rotate while in a back pack or holster.

The main point of my review is not to review the lights themselves, but to show that the tailcap will work on the 7438 Focusing Lenser (Hocus Focus in Europe). This is the light that I mod and sell, and can be seen at the link in my signature line below. This light simply kicks butt, for lack of a better phrase. With the addition of this tailcap, it makes a fantastic all around light.

Well, on to some pictures...

Dimming Lenser, top. Focus Dimm, bottom. The top light happens to be the "Frogman" version, and is waterproof.

Optic view. Notice the difference in optics. Both have a similar beam, however.

Top: Focusing Lenser (Hocus Focus) tailcap.
Bottom: Dimming tailcap.
Dimming tailcap is shorter by about 1/2", and is flat on the end, giving the light the ability to tailstand

The Focus Dimm and Dimming Lenser use the same high quality battery carrier as the Hocus Focus/Focusing Lenser

Top: 7438 Focusing Lenser with standard tailcap
Middle: Same light with dimming tailcap
Bottom: Model 7736 Tac Torch V2 for reference

Slight counter-clockwise turn to go straight to dim mode

Slight clockwise turn to go straight to high. Notice how the flashlight can be held in a tactical position, and the switch can be rotated easily with one hand.

Off position

The following photos show examples of different brightness levels, from high to low.
These beamshots are from my modded 7438 Focusing Lenser (Hocus Focus), with the dimming switch installed.
I only posted these four pics, but keep in mind you can stop at any level from high to low.

With the dimming switch, total lux on high dropped slightly, from 5650 @ one meter, to 5300 lux... not noticeable to
the naked eye.

High 5300 lux @ one meter (Note: Lux readings were taken at 1 meter, but beamshots were taken at 18 inches)



Low: 110 Lux @ one meter
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Great review Jay! Thanks for the pix and beamshots.

I guess this means that one would have to buy a 7795 / 7798 to get the dimming tailcap? Does the 7438 tailcap work on a 7795 or 7798? If so, at least we would have two working lights.

Or better yet, can you do your super-mod to the dimming Lensers?
Great review Jay! Thanks for the pix and beamshots.

I guess this means that one would have to buy a 7795 / 7798 to get the dimming tailcap? Does the 7438 tailcap work on a 7795 or 7798? If so, at least we would have two working lights.

Or better yet, can you do your super-mod to the dimming Lensers?

Hey there, Bill. Yep, you'd have to buy the whole light....I haven't had any luck obtaining just the tailcaps from Coast. The 7438 tailcap does work on the 7795/7798, so yes, at least you'd have another light to play with. :)

I have modded my 7795 (Focus Dimm), but it was a real no, I won't be offering modded versions of those...sorry!
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im afraid with this


i have still one of those dimm and dive, its nice (as my friend tested in diving) but the switch is not good in salt water. specially if your not careful on how to use it.
of course you can use in diving in the sea but when you get in your boat after diving "wash" it with fresh water

Is the 7795 or 7798 the "frogman" version? I've checked a couple of vendors, and don't see reference to waterproofness.

Seems like a nice addition to the Focus/Seoul package. Hmm, these two or one Novatec...thoughts to ponder. :broke:
Good info, jhempelayo. I just noticed also that Coast says it's only for freshwater... but like you said, just wash it well if you do use it in saltwater.

Note that this only applies to the "Dimm and Dive" versions... not the regular 7795/7798... they're not waterproof, only water resistant.
Is the 7795 or 7798 the "frogman" version? I've checked a couple of vendors, and don't see reference to waterproofness.

Seems like a nice addition to the Focus/Seoul package. Hmm, these two or one Novatec...thoughts to ponder. :broke:

Hi Buck,

The lights shown here are the regular versions. The 7798 is called the Dimming Lenser, the 7795 is called the Focus Dimm. The 7795 has a moveable focusing head.

They do make a Frogman (waterproof) version of the 7798... it has a picture of a diver on the light's housing. It's pretty much the same light, but uses flat rubber seals instead of o-rings.

Here's a link for more info: http://www.quality-items-flashlight...Frogman-Waterproof-Luxeon-LED-Dive-Light.html

I have an SSC modded one for sale in a different thread on the Custom & Modified B/S/T.
So it only comes on when you twist? I'm still confused on exactly how it works. Is the twist part spring loaded to return to center or something like that? This is a very interesting light.
So it only comes on when you twist? I'm still confused on exactly how it works. Is the twist part spring loaded to return to center or something like that? This is a very interesting light.

Yes, it only comes on when you twist the tail switch. Only the rearmost 1/4" twists. It stays where you put's not spring loaded. It only takes one turn to complete a full cycle from on, through the all of the brightness range, then to off. It comes on as soon as the switch is rotated...only takes about 1/8" of movement. It's similar to the on/off volume knob on a battery powered radio, but you can start by twisting it either direction from off.
So it is about the same thing as SureFires revulutionary new switch in their yet to come 500$ Titanium lights, isn't it?
Good info, jhempelayo. I just noticed also that Coast says it's only for freshwater... but like you said, just wash it well if you do use it in saltwater.

Note that this only applies to the "Dimm and Dive" versions... not the regular 7795/7798... they're not waterproof, only water resistant.

I have set up a night surfing helmet using two of these.
I hope i dont have any hassles
do you think some vasolene on the seals and a rinse in fresh water would work? what sort of problems occur in salt water?
soggypilchard said:
do you think some vasolene on the seals and a rinse in fresh water would work? what sort of problems occur in salt water?

Should be ok, but I haven't tried Vasoline on the o-rings. Vasoline is petroleum based, and some o-rings will deteriorate/swell up from it. I have used silicone based lube on them with no troubles, but I'm really not sure what compound the o-rings are made of.

A rinse of fresh water should be fine. Salt water acts as an electrolyte which enables the corrosion process to take place. These lights use gold plated contacts for the battery carrier and spring end of the tailcap, so no big troubles there...but the dimming switch isn't plated, and will be subject to corrosion if salt water gets in there. The waterproofing is good on the Dimm and Dives, so I wouldn't really worry about it. :)
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thanks for your reply flash
Im new to this forum, who would have thought there would be a whole forum dedicated to torches? i love it.
i should have googled it earlier.
The Focus Dimm and Dimming Lenser use the same high quality battery carrier as the Hocus Focus/Focusing Lenser

My 7438 Hocus Focus seems to have the battery carrier permanently attached to the tail switch cap. You picture of the Focus-Dimm dimmer switch and battery carrier shows them separate. So are you saying that the cartridge-type carrier/switch from my 7438 will work with the Focus-Dimm, and the Focus-Dimm separate carrier and dimmer switch are 100% compatible with my 7438?
My 7438 Hocus Focus seems to have the battery carrier permanently attached to the tail switch cap. You picture of the Focus-Dimm dimmer switch and battery carrier shows them separate. So are you saying that the cartridge-type carrier/switch from my 7438 will work with the Focus-Dimm, and the Focus-Dimm separate carrier and dimmer switch are 100% compatible with my 7438?

The new 7438's come with the battery carrier attached to the tailcap, like yours. But the old style cartridge and cap will work just fine.

I've only had a couple of the Focus Dimms, and that was quite awhile ago. Assuming they didn't change them, the switch and carrier should work 100% on the 7438. :)
I suppose the light is unregulated and direct drive on 3xAAA ... and thus the dimming tailcap is a resistor? And still consumes some power on high as seen with the reduction in lux?
Does it get warm when in low mode?

Very interesting. It really seems that LED Lenser got their act together and make nice lights now.
