Coast V2 Lithium Rechargeable Flashlight LL7747

Hmmm, Looks like it has a separate charge cradle for the cell. Looks about the same size as an 18650 or 17670. For $20, if it does accept either of those cell types I think it could be a good deal, providing it emits enough light and is well regulated enough. Even direct driving off an 18650 is not all that bad IMHO, given the storage capacity of cells that big.

I am direct driving the stock XR-E off an 18650 in this light, and it keeps pace with my brightest lights... its good for short-bursts, and spot use only, COMPLETELY blows away the OEM 3AAA configuration.

I'm usually a lenser-basher, but at $21 I think this one could be worth the price:grin2:.

I would look into a cell upgrade to an 18650/17670 first. They should NOT be charged with that charger though, doing so could cause a Lithium explosion/fire.
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ok the coast came with a 14500s 700 mah 3.7 volt battery im guessin it wont take any other battery.
ok the coast came with a li-ion 14500s 700 mah 3.7v battery, also with a chargeing station with a control led, green, for ready red, for actual accumulator capacity yellow for fully charged off for incorrect polarity.

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