Coleman customer service a big disapointment

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Newly Enlightened
Jul 31, 2006
I purchased one of their aluminum MAX series AA l.e.d. flashlights before Christmas. Within a couple weeks, the tail switch had quit working so I sent it in for service. Today after waiting six weeks, I received as replacement, a cheep plastic light thats over twice the size of the one I purchased. I wouldn't have paid ten bucks for this light, let alone the thirty $ plus I have invested. If Coleman is unwilling to correct this, they can forget my buying anything else with their name on it.
What are the terms of the warranty?
If they only commit to 30-60 days, you are lucky to have gotten anything at all.

This is not the right forum to Jeer a manufacturer.
I'm sorry I didn't post this in the correct forum. I had hoped to possibly make others aware that warranty issues might not be handled as expected or hoped for. Any light should, IMO last more than two weeks and should be either repaied or replaced with something of equal value.
I'm sorry I didn't post this in the correct forum. I had hoped to possibly make others aware that warranty issues might not be handled as expected or hoped for. Any light should, IMO last more than two weeks and should be either repaied or replaced with something of equal value.

Off course any light should last more then two weeks....

But to keep subforums and the forum nice and clean and easy to get an overlook on it is important to post in the right section...

Everybody that posts in the "jeers" over at CPFMP gets attention IMHO....
Welcome to CPF, demented.

A discussion or criticism of a light belongs in one of the sub-forums here (in the case of this light, in the LED Flashlight section) but a discussion or criticism of a manufacturer or dealer belongs in the MarketPlace.

The distinction is sometimes not obvious, and it is understandable that you posted here about your experience; however I'm going to close this thread and suggest you take it up in the MarketPlace.

Please be very careful to read the Rules for the Jeers forum before posting there - I'm not sure this will qualify, and it may be better in Manufacturers Corner.

If you wish to discuss the light itself, you can start another thread about that in the LED Flashlight section.
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