Coronavirus - II

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Newly Enlightened
Mar 25, 2011
We know with certainty that vaccines do not cause autism. This has been established repeatedly. There is no scientific controversy about it. This false belief is responsible for quite a bit of vaccine hesitancy, which is, in turn, responsible for unnecessary illness. It also leads to distortions in our political system. Vaccines do not cause autism.

Katherine Alicia

May 15, 2020
Central UK.
I can`t defend "the right to infect others" just because they think they`re "Special" or somehow better than eneryone else, WE are ALL in this together, No exceptions.
I think sometimes folks seem to forget that things like beliefs are a Choice, a luxury! dying of covid isn`t a choice, it`s a reality, a reality based on Fact not belief.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
Fake News Alert...

The governor of my state has already said it's a mandatory thing.

No, he did not. The VA Commissioner of Health - Norman Oliver- said he would make such a vaccination necessary as an emergency order. The VA Gov, at the time, and many times since then, has publicly stated that he does not, and would not, back such an order.

It was later revealed that Oliver was stating his "opinion" on what he thought should be done, not what was going to be done.

All of this is easily verified with a simple google search. Stop stirring the pot...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Fake News Alert...

No, he did not. The VA Commissioner of Health - Norman Oliver- said he would make such a vaccination necessary as an emergency order. The VA Gov, at the time, and many times since then, has publicly stated that he does not, and would not, back such an order.

It was later revealed that Oliver was stating his "opinion" on what he thought should be done, not what was going to be done.

All of this is easily verified with a simple google search. Stop stirring the pot...

Actually that's fake news. He has taken no official stance at all because they plan on all Virginians happily seeking out the vaccine. He sure hasn't signed anything into law stopping Oliver from making it mandatory either.
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Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
Actually that's fake news. He has taken no official stance at all because they plan on all Virginians happily seeking out the vaccine. He sure hasn't signed anything into law stopping Oliver from making it mandatory either.

I'll happily stick with "not planning to" (which Northam has stated on multiple occasions when asked since late August - including your link) versus "the governor of my state has said it's a mandatory thing."

I'm sure of it that the difference between the two is easily discernible...


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
This has gotten funny. I don't know who is responding to whom, and even what points they are trying to make.
:wave::nana::whistle::ohgeez:oh and one more... :eek:

I agree, that we, or some of us have gotten pretty "over the top sensitive" maybe polarized. Hey we are being presented with conditions never seen before in our lifetimes. Those conditions may impact our lives for years to come. Currently we may be significantly impacted, or not too much.

Let's debate, but not argue, and most of all, not get angry.

Let's have fun. :)

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
I think everyone should be able to choose whether or not to take the vaccine without being demonized or punished for their decisions. You get more compliance in a free society when you give people a choice. Forcing people into it only breeds resistance and mistrust. Forcing people to do anything in what is supposed to be a free nation takes us down a slippery slope that will lead to our own destruction.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
I think everyone should be able to choose whether or not to take the vaccine without being demonized or punished for their decisions. You get more compliance in a free society when you give people a choice. Forcing people into it only breeds resistance and mistrust. Forcing people to do anything in what is supposed to be a free nation takes us down a slippery slope that will lead to our own destruction.

Yeah I'm gonna need some specific examples that prove your compliance point. By that logic, people would voluntarily: not speed, pay their taxes, and not commit other crimes without needing to enforce those laws.

Katherine Alicia

May 15, 2020
Central UK.
This has gotten funny. I don't know who is responding to whom, and even what points they are trying to make.
:wave::nana::whistle::ohgeez:oh and one more... :eek:

I agree, that we, or some of us have gotten pretty "over the top sensitive" maybe polarized. Hey we are being presented with conditions never seen before in our lifetimes. Those conditions may impact our lives for years to come. Currently we may be significantly impacted, or not too much.

Let's debate, but not argue, and most of all, not get angry.

Let's have fun. :)

Sorry to derail slightly for a sec, but I got this message when I tried to reply to your PM:
[h=3]The following errors occurred with your submission[/h]
  • Poppy has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Yeah I'm gonna need some specific examples that prove your compliance point. By that logic, people would voluntarily: not speed, pay their taxes, and not commit other crimes without needing to enforce those laws.
I don't speed, I pay my taxes, and I don't commit other crimes. I'm a Christian. The Bible says render unto Cesar what is Cesar's (pay your taxes). It says don't murder, don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't bear false witness against your neighbor, etc.. I don't need the government's laws to abide by laws from a higher power. I will follow the law unless it's something outside of the government's defined authority to enforce. Show me where in the Constitution it gives the government the authority to force a law abiding citizen to do something against their will. We used to call that extortion. The notion that the government knows best and we must do whatever they tell us has lead to many countries slaughtering its citizens after a dictator took power. If you don't take a stand when the government steps out of line, you'll regret it when they become unstoppable later on.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I don't speed, I pay my taxes, and I don't commit other crimes. I'm a Christian. The Bible says render unto Cesar what is Cesar's (pay your taxes). It says don't murder, don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't bear false witness against your neighbor, etc.. I don't need the government's laws to abide by laws from a higher power. I will follow the law unless it's something outside of the government's defined authority to enforce. <SNIP>.

If you are going to quote the Bible, please do so appropriately and don't take it out of context.
I am not a biblical scholar, I only read it once. Actually I am 78% of the way through it.

The Bible doesn't say "Pay your taxes"
Jesus was being clever when he made the statement you referred to.
IIRC the temple priests were trying to trick him into stating that he is the "King of Kings" and more important than Cesar, for which he could be put to death. Or something along those lines.

Then the Pharisees went and plotted how to entangle him in his words. And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, "Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin for the tax." And they brought him a denarius. And Jesus said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" They said, "Caesar's." Then he said to them, "Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." When they heard it, they marveled. And they left him and went away.
The more famous phrase used today comes from the King James Version: "Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."

IMO "They Marveled" meant that they realized that he was clever and that they could not trick him into saying what they wanted.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
I don't speed, I pay my taxes, and I don't commit other crimes. I'm a Christian. The Bible says render unto Cesar what is Cesar's (pay your taxes). It says don't murder, don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't bear false witness against your neighbor, etc.. I don't need the government's laws to abide by laws from a higher power. I will follow the law unless it's something outside of the government's defined authority to enforce. Show me where in the Constitution it gives the government the authority to force a law abiding citizen to do something against their will. We used to call that extortion. The notion that the government knows best and we must do whatever they tell us has lead to many countries slaughtering its citizens after a dictator took power. If you don't take a stand when the government steps out of line, you'll regret it when they become unstoppable later on.

Theres so much here...:ironic:

I'll leave it alone though because it'll cause too many problems for the mods.

I suggest we get away from religion and politics in this thread...
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