Could Someone Suggest A Power Supply


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2008
Please help a noob. I plan to run (5) Cree XR-E Q5 WC's in series @ 1000mA using a Buckpuck driver. At 3.7V each, how much power would I need and could you suggest a particular brand and model? This is a light strip project that will have a plug-in power source. Thanks in advance!
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We were all noobs once, welcome and I hope someone double checks my math.

5 x 3.7 = 18.5

I would suggest you find something with 19VDC and 1000mA. How easy was that? If you have an old wall wort hanging around try that.

For something permanent and/or something you really want to nice...ultra reliable, then look to a "real" driver.

The above offers 700mA versus your 1000mA, I am not sure you would really notice the difference in brightness or you could live with the slightly lower brightness. This is a quality piece of equipment and no need for Buckpuck. That said, there is a 1000mA driver....LED-120A-0024V-10F. I can't find it right now, but somebody sells it.

The above is what I am using to drive 4 Seoul P4s at 700mA right now because a power hickup drove through an old laptop power brick that was feeding a Zane dimmer then going to the Seouls. Whenever that hickup happened, it burnout all 4 Seouls at the same time. The above driver is plenty bright for under counter lighting at my kitchen desk area. I think I am going to go to 350mA shortly, these things really power LEDs well.

In conclusion, I really don't think I am going to use wall worts much anymore. Yes, they work and work well. I just want that confidence that my project will perform and work just as I want it to. So as long as you have the cash, I recommend a real drive like the ones above. Money tight: find an old wall wort, make sure it puts out DC, feel good about saving money and prepare for it's future death......hopefully it will just die and not take everything else out too.

I can recommend LED Supply, I have ordered from them around 5 or 6 times now with no problems ever. Perhaps others will chime in with their favorite vendor too.

Good luck, let us know how this project works out. Love to see pictures of the completed project.

Bob E.
Thank you very much for the reply! Am I correct in assuming watts pretty much equal volts in this particular application? My project is for an aquarium light that needs as much light output that is possible. I will definetly take a look at your suggestions and may even power down to 700mA just to keep things cooler and running longer. Again, thanks for helping!:thumbsup:
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