County Comm Diplomat Pocket Organizer...


Oct 5, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
Hello guys and gals...I sold a knife of mine to raise some spending money...and I decided to place an order with county comm today...I purchased some paracord, a small prybar (widgy bar) and a Diplomat Pocket Organizer (OD Green) I was wondering who else has these? I know there are a few threads about them over at EDCforums as well as a group buy...but I was wondering who here has them? If you have one and a camera post some pics and tell me what you think! What items do you carry in it? I would like to start EDCing some other small items, and now I will be able to use this in my leg pocket on my cargo pants, provided I dont stuff it with too much stuff, I don't want to have it pull my pants down, lol... :grin2:
Thanks...So I saw you posted one of yours...How do you carry yours again? I was thinking I would use mine in my pant leg pocket but Im wondering if its a bit too big for that? Ill have to wait and see for myself I guess...Im just worried about it beign too heavy to EDC on my leg comfortably...
I use it inside my backpack. With the LM Wave it does get "heavy", but if I were out in the field I wouldn't have a problem attaching it to my belt or slipping it into the leg pocket of my BDU's.

Here's my post and pics from ECF:
So, here's the one I'm using right now in my pack:

The outside:

Being a flashaholic, I got the "Lumen Meter" patch from

The contents:

Most of what you see there was just lose in the outer pocket of my pack. As you can see, so far it's just an eclectic assembly of stuff. I plan to use my remaining organizer to house a first aid kit or something. (All "extra" organizers have been sold, BTW.)

I took out the gear loop that used to be on the right, but now I'm having second thoughts about that; I was looking to attach an extra something to the organizer the other day and the extra loop would've been ideal. :p Another mod I did was to remove some stitching so my Fenix L2P could fit in there. You can't see it really well, but I took the stock nylon zipper pull and replaced it by a round sinnet that I made myself. I also added a small metal linky (I think it's Ti) that tvodrd very kindly sent me (thanks, Larry!). The linky not only serves as zipper pull, but I can see myself attaching stuff to it as well if the need arises some time.

Now I'm actually thinking about the larger version of the pocket organizers. Too bad CountyComm doesn't make those.
Yeah, I am already adicted to knives, flashlights, zippos, other lighters, and a few other gadgets, I dont need to add "gear" to my list, lol...but I know this will make me a happy camper when it arrives! I always wanted to carry a few smaller items but never di because I didnt want them banging around in my pockets, so this is perfect!
I have the same unit bought from LA Police Gear since I mostly ware "Cargo" pocketed pants/shorts I just throw it in my left bottom pocket if waring jeans & I feel I will need the extra stuff I put it on my belt.
I have the "iPod one", or one a lot like it; I got it from, and it's currently attached to my MaxP Devil Dog, although it's a bit floppy so may move inside the 'Dog.

I also have three of the Countycomm ones glommed onto the outside of my MaxP Falcon II.

I think you'll like it. I have been using one for quite a while to hold all of my writing arsenal that I carry back and forth to work, Retro51 pens and mechanical pencils, pen refills, mechanical pencil lead tubes, markers, highlighters, erasers, and Rhodia notepads. There is a bazillion uses for these things.
greenLED said:
Now I'm actually thinking about the larger version of the pocket organizers. Too bad CountyComm doesn't make those.

Take a look at the Spec-Ops gear I have the DRY-CELL ON-BOARD & the PACK-RAT. And will probably buy the OP-ORDER LOGISTICS POUCH, the GENERAL PURPOSE POUCH looks interesting as well.

I was thinking about carrying pens and pencils, paper, a small flashlight, spare batteries, bandaids, mutitool, spare knife, nail clippers, scissors, and a few other small thgins, maybe advid...Thigns I wouldn';t normally carry on ym person because I had no place to put everythgin neatly...but soon I will!
I have four of the County Comms. Great value, very flexible to various applications and a great everyday organizer.
Thanks, after I read the reply I checked it out myself...Cool color options, a nice variety for this style organizer considerign its made by 2 or 3 different companies...If I ever want more of them Ill try another brand!
I got mine today! wow, these are great, even packed up it fits my leg pocket...

Here is what I have in mine...

- red pen
- highlighter/black pen
- sharpie
- County Comm screw driver pen set
- Torx Bit set
- pocket pen size sharpening stone
- black fisher bullet pen
- keychain laser pointer/ led light attached to the lanyard inside and tucked in the (left pocket)
- pad of lined paper (left pocket)
- county com "widgy" bar wrapped with OD green paracord (right pocket)
- plastic bag with gauze and bandaids (right pocket)
- CRKT Dogfish Neck knife in kydex with chain for neck carry (right pocket)
- Fenix L1S (right pocket)
- Battery case with 4 spare AA's (right pocket)

Now I feel like a boyscout again, prepared for anything, lol... :grin2:



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