CPF Flashlight Photo Competition


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 6, 2006
Tilburg, the Netherlands (perfectly reachable by U
Well the entry period has officially been closed...

No more entries accepted...

thank you all for your participation... You can vote here:


As there are quite a lot of people on the forum who are into photography, how about a Flashlight Photo Competition?

The rules:

- All CPF members can participate
- The subject has to be a flashlight
- Only daylight, household lamps and flashlights used for illumination, Flash restricted to camera built in flash*
- No photoshop etc other than resizing & cropping
- 1 photo per person
- The photo has to be named (for voting purposes)
- Photos have to comply with CPF rules

* to keep it fair for CPFers with less advanced kit

Post your entry in this thread, along with the title of the photo. Entries can be submitted until 28-02-2007 23:59:59 (international dateline counts), after that, I'll start a new thread with a poll for people to vote. After 1 week of voting, the winner will be announced.

Posting extra info on what you used and how you did take the pic is also welcome (others might learn from it).

This is just for the glory & honour...

p.s. mods, I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this, If I am, please close the thread.
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I'll have a go.

I call it "...But this one is mine."

Click for higher res. The only modification I made was to crop it slightly.

Flashlight Info:
-Night-Ops Gladius (S/N 17xxx)
-Surefire FM34 Beamshaper
-2xRCR123A Tenergy 3.0V 900mAh Li-Ion

Shot Info:
-Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
-Macro lens: Digital Concepts 0.5x
-Lighting: 3xCR123A>2C Mag, 5-cell Mag-Num Star, head removed

Image Info:
Focal Length: 7mm
F-Number: F/11
Exposure Time: 4s
ISO Speed: ISO-100
Exposure Compensation: 0 step

The version on imageshack is scaled down, but I have the full-res, 3MB file available.
My own personal entry:


Title: Surefire L4 in RGB color

Flashlight Info:
- Surefire L4

Shot Info:
- Camera: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
- Lens: Sigma 80mm macro
- Lighting: 50w halogen bulb, indirect on subject. 2X blue led fauxton, mounted on helping hands. 2X green led fauxton mounted on helping hands. Cateye bicycle rear light.

Image Info:
- Focal Length: 80mm
- Aperture: F/22
- Shutter speed: 6s
- Sensitivity: ISO-400
- Exposure Compensation: 0 stops
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I shot this pic of my U2 a while back with a 200mm macro on my D200. The hardest part of making this image was focusing... oh, and seeing anything but a big purple square for hours afterwards.

It might look familiar.

Edit- I'll name it 'Light at the End of the Tunnel'

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Here's mine.



EDIT ... got slapped on the hands for not supplying a name :D ... so "landscape" it is.

Camera is Canon Powershot S1 IS
handheld without tripod
on black cardboard
normal room light without additional lighting
camera settings on manual, but forgotten
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very nice xanteen! your avatar's size doesn't do that shot justice.

Here is a pic I took a few days ago that qualifies. Its of a nickel-plated, seoul modded Lumapower LM-303.


"Lucky Nickel"

Kodak V550 camera
F2.8, 3 sec exposure
no ambient light
light painted with photon freedom

look forward to seeing the competition:naughty:
"Lux Scuff"


Taken with my Pentax Optio S4, Super Macro setting. Lighting provided by me holding a Streamlight Scorpion (xenon) and a piece of white paper (to reflect the light) in one hand, while I shoot with the other!
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Sure- For desktop wallpaper or something? PM me and I can give you a link.
And, thanks- Bernie. Really like the Pineapple, pick too. great lighting.

Kiessling said:
Hey Xanteen ... this is a gorgous pic !!!
Got a bigger version of that one?
SO old pics count? Heres my entry:

I call it "Two diamonds on a white shag rug."


No flash used, just a SF L4 and a UV light. I am no photographer, so I cant tell you all the shutter stuff and F-stop thingys. It is one of my favorite pics however.... :rock:
For some reason, I assumed that all that mattered in the pics was the lights, not the environment/setting. Well, you know what they say about assuming.