CPF T-Shirts ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
well did a search at the marketplace and did not see anything.

are there any CPF T-Shirts to buy?

pointers? Thanks Kostas
I remember a while ago (3+ years or so) there was a run of t-shirts.

yea..this time put many brands on them like surefire, fenix, etc... put it all over the place like a race car.
I would have liked that one that was being proposed last year or the year before,the one with the sillouette of the M6.
I would be very interested in something a little more creative. I'm not that into the "slap a logo on any generic product in creation" type services as I've never felt like they have much soul. How about an additional offering that is a limited run and designed special for the shirt by a CPFer?