Cree car brake tail light?

It's a terrible idea having a single white LED (very deficient in red) shine through a red filter. That would result in almost no light output compared to stock.

Remember that a stock 1157 brakelight puts out ~400 bulb lumens from ~27w so you'd need an array of red Lux III (far better than any white LED when behind a red filter) in order to produce the same output, plus then there would be heatsinking issues too if you wanted them to last as long as a stock 1157.
I don't know that you would need an array. I just replaced my car boot light with a white Cree XR-E and calculated that even with 5W of resistor in series with it just producing heat the total was still about 2.4 times as efficient.

What's the brightest red LED? It won't lose as much in the red filter as the incan bulb will.

FWIW car stop light bulbs here are 21W.
I would like to get one of those for my Motorcycle then maybe people will back off
A friend and I for years have talked about putting a pair of 100W spotlights in the rear window of our cars, with red glass over them, for high level stoplights... Yeah, that would deal to the tailgating high-beamers.