Cree dome fell off my LOD


Aug 24, 2008
Munfordville, KY
I have a older LOD ce (P4 i believe) and the dome of the LED fell off while i was trying to show off in class, pulled the light out of my pocket and noticed an unusual rattle (its on my keys so ratteling isnt out of the ordanary) and when i turned the light on i noticed an unusual artifact in the beam
well I looked at the bezel and saw the cree's dome floating around in the reflector... long story short i took the head apart and lost the dome (never try to find something clear on a classroom floor.... you will find things you wish you hadnt:caution: ) anyways i quit the demonstration feeling like a retard and starring at the LOD with a dumb look on my face that said "how...but its a feni....theres no way it could be that bad.... awww WTF did I do to it??:shakehead"

Anyways, I want to know what the usual lifetime of a LED without the dome is... its already turned a little green from what it used to be... I think I killed it

Well this is your chance to upgrade it to R2 or neutral white emitter, both are available from DX for a few bucks.
I think you over estimate my soldering abilities.... is there anywhere that has those Q5's without the round board... the LOD only has the rectangular board and im afraid that if i try to desolder the square off the circular board that i will fry something =[ (does anyone know if a MC-E will run off a 10440, and what the LED will draw)
So I assume you were using a 10440? Would you let it run for a long time on TURBO? Maybe you baked the dome off. That's my guess. :)
The L0D doesn't use a board under the emitter. That square thing you see is the base of the emitter. It's glued to the heatsink. Desolder the wires and pop it off. Use a dab of epoxy with a new emitter and resolder. Wasn't that easy? :)
still waiting for the 10440's to arrive though... thats the thing its only been run off eneloops (I been thinking about this and I have a golden dragon emmiter (with the red low mode thing) and was wondering how it would take to being driven off a 10440 then i would have no cash out of pocket and have a wouldnt be EDCless for a week waiting for parts?

what do yall think?
I think you over estimate my soldering abilities.... is there anywhere that has those Q5's without the round board... the LOD only has the rectangular board and im afraid that if i try to desolder the square off the circular board that i will fry something =[ (does anyone know if a MC-E will run off a 10440, and what the LED will draw)

They are soldered onto the board and easily removed. Put the whole thing on a stove (not directly on fire if you have gas powered obviously). Hold the board down with something, and lightly pull the emitter (the retangular board, which is part of emitter) with a needle nose plier. As soon as temp is high enough to melt solder the emitter will come off.

Now for soldering, pre tin both the metalic strip and wire, then hold both together, heat with soldering iron and they'll stick together easily.
Think it`s unusual. Have a whole bunch of lights, and never had this happen. But I also think your have the perfect reason to hunt down a new light. All I have are excuses. I see 600+ lumens in your future. Or perhaps one of those new EZ Fenix lights :)
Hey, I had this happen to me too!, but my doom is still on the LED, just loose and I could see where it just wants to fall off. I've never dropped my light. My tint looks green now and the output seems to be much lower. I've ordered a new LED, just waiting for it to come in the mail.