Cree. Seoul? Xenon! Q4? Q5?


Jan 16, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta.
Hey hows it going I am new here.

I am intrigued, and confused. I have been reading posts and trying to get a sense of what bulbs have what features. I have not yet figured out what order the bulbs fall in generally agreed upon brightness, color, etc. I want to begin my light collection with a good Fenix, say a P1D but should it be a CE, or 100, or what is the latest improved model? And I definetely need a P2D, and a Pelican, and Surefire for sure. But what bulbs?

My company, a railroad, only supplies c and d-cells for work and I feel the desire to fry some eye. Is there a c or d-cell light that has a good, bright throw?
Hey hows it going I am new here.

I am intrigued, and confused. I have been reading posts and trying to get a sense of what bulbs have what features. I have not yet figured out what order the bulbs fall in generally agreed upon brightness, color, etc. I want to begin my light collection with a good Fenix, say a P1D but should it be a CE, or 100, or what is the latest improved model? And I definetely need a P2D, and a Pelican, and Surefire for sure. But what bulbs?

My company, a railroad, only supplies c and d-cells for work and I feel the desire to fry some eye. Is there a c or d-cell light that has a good, bright throw?
You have 2 options:

1. Purchase a Fenix L2D-CE Q5 or P3D-CE Q5 and purchase the corresponding rechargeable batteries and chargers (Eneloop NiMH AA or Protected RCR123, respectively). This way you spend an extra $20-30 (RCR123s run a little more, and so does the charger), but are not dependent on the batteries your company supplies, and the lights are both bright and small.

2. Purchase a Maglite 3D or 3C and the appropriate Cree Q5 drop-in from
This way you would get a LARGE, but very throwy light, which you will get free batteries for. But with the price of the host + dropin, you'll probably be in the same range as Fenix + chargers + rechargeable batteries.
"Q5" ... 1st step
(everything is "-CE" now, that stands for the multilevel versions)

2nd step: think over P1D AND P2D, because technically they are the same.
When You have either of them, You NEED a P3D (-ce "Q5")
... or a L2D (-ce "Q5")

CE means it uses a Cree XR-E LED. Nothing behind it means it is a P4 bin LED. If it say Q5, it means it uses a Cree XR-E Q5 bin LED. If it says Rebel, then it uses a Luxeon Rebel LED. The number behind that means the bin code.

It's a LED and not really a bulb. How bright one is depends on how hard it's driven. Color(tint) will vary depending on the individual LED.

For C/D cells, do you have a maglite? If yes, the Malkoffdevices Drop-in would be great for upgrading that light(though you can get even more throw, but then you will be using different batteries).

The Welcome mat would answer a lot of questions that you might have.

Also look at good reviewed Cree/Seoul/Rebel lights on Dealextreme if you want to start cheap.


I'm pretty new here myself but have accumulated quite a few lights already. One light really stands out. My (previously near useless) 4 D cell Maglight with a Malkoff drop in. It has a tremendous spot throw that is very bright surrounded by a wide spill of soft light for perspective. It also sports a long run time. This light makes me giggle when I turn it on. Free batteries.......:twothumbs

You could then pick up a small pocket carry light using one AA or CR123 battery for close up or inside use.
For the most part, the Cree Q5 or R2 is what you'll want to look at.

You might want to read the Welcome Mat

For some major throw for cheap on your free C cells, I would recommend the Task Force Cree (make sure it's the cree version, not luxeon)

Thanks for the the direction. I will read and gain. Task Force Cree.. Not luxeon. I take it the Task Force Cree is better than a luxeon?
You have 2 options:

1. Purchase a Fenix L2D-CE Q5 or P3D-CE Q5 and purchase the corresponding rechargeable batteries and chargers (Eneloop NiMH AA or Protected RCR123, respectively). This way you spend an extra $20-30 (RCR123s run a little more, and so does the charger), but are not dependent on the batteries your company supplies, and the lights are both bright and small.

2. Purchase a Maglite 3D or 3C and the appropriate Cree Q5 drop-in from
This way you would get a LARGE, but very throwy light, which you will get free batteries for. But with the price of the host + dropin, you'll probably be in the same range as Fenix + chargers + rechargeable batteries.

I appreciate your advice. I think the Maglite 2C I already have is a poor cousin to the Fenix P3D-CE Q5. I have just bought a $20.00 Cdn. Noma 3 watt Xenon for fun. It is much brighter than the Maglite. But that is what you guys have been saying, right? I like your logic regarding buying the light and rechargeables. Never heard of the brands but will take a look around here in Alberta.
"Q5" ... 1st step
(everything is "-CE" now, that stands for the multilevel versions)

2nd step: think over P1D AND P2D, because technically they are the same.
When You have either of them, You NEED a P3D (-ce "Q5")
... or a L2D (-ce "Q5")

Now i did not know that, "-CE" denotes adjustable light levels. ok. I have a nice little single AA aluminium led for my shirt pocket now, not too bright to write with. So.. I do NEED a P3D -CE Q5. You are absolutely right. For my work bag and passing trains. thanks.

CE means it uses a Cree XR-E LED. Nothing behind it means it is a P4 bin LED. If it say Q5, it means it uses a Cree XR-E Q5 bin LED. If it says Rebel, then it uses a Luxeon Rebel LED. The number behind that means the bin code.

It's a LED and not really a bulb. How bright one is depends on how hard it's driven. Color(tint) will vary depending on the individual LED.

By the way, is Cree and Luxeon two different manufacturers? So the Cree XR-E LED is in competition with Luxeon Rebel LED? And what would your opinion be as to their individual characteristics? I will check out the posts you all have suggested.

I will keep the Malkoff conversion in mind, thanks.

By the way, what is a bin code? lol.
Now i did not know that, "-CE" denotes adjustable light levels. ok. I have a nice little single AA aluminium led for my shirt pocket now, not too bright to write with. So.. I do NEED a P3D -CE Q5. You are absolutely right. For my work bag and passing trains. thanks.

Actually I believe that "CE" stands for CREE for the Fenix lights.The "D" stands for digital which indicates multiple levels.Example the P1 CE is a single level but the P1D CE is multiple levels.The Fenix lights that do not use CREE LEDs do not have CE in the name.
As far as Fenix goes the brightest LED available currently is the Q5 but it will surpassed by R bin CREEs eventually.The efficiency of LEDs is increasing by leaps and bounds these days.Anything you buy now will probably be eclipsed by something at least slightly better within six months.
Gunners info. is correct I didn't realize that reply already existed.
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P1, P2, P3, etc is the model number
D indicates multilevel (modes) and not direct drive (no modes)
CE indicates a Cree "XR-E" LED
RB indicates a Luxeon "Rebel" LED
Q# (Q4, Q5) indicates the Cree LED bin number.

Cree is an LED manufacturer based in Durham, North Carolina, and has recently risen to prominence with their super-bright and efficient "XR-E" LEDs (which are what Fenix uses in any "CE"-labeled model).

Luxeon is the brand name of LEDs made by Philips/Lumileds, based in Silicon Valley, California. They were very popular for some time for manufacturing the brightest LED offerings until Cree introduced the XR-Es. They're once again in the spotlight with their new "Rebel" series of LEDs (also available in some limited edition Fenix models with the "RB" label.)

As for Cree XR-E vs Luxeon Rebel: The Cree has slightly brighter output, while the Luxeon has better color rendering. Which you consider more important is a matter of taste, both LEDs have their own broad following on this forum.

Bin number identifies how recent the LED design is. A more recent design will be brighter/more efficient, and thus more desirable. Cree uses a letter & number system: the higher the letter and number, the more recent the bin the LED comes from. In Fenix flashlights, you'll find bin P4 LEDs in flashlights from last year, while recently introduced "special edition" models feature the Q5, which is currently the most recent/brightest LED available in a Fenix.
If you're on a budget, I'll second the Lowes task force 2 c cell. The cree version says "60 X brighter" on the front...
I have's excellent. THe build quality is OK- but not top notch. (plastic)
You guys are great for helping a newcomer find the right choice. You also helped an oldtimer like me who is just getting back into the new generation of lights.
The welcome mat is a great addition to this site. It helped me pick up some good information.

There are a few points that I hope someone can clarify for me. The Cree bins run from Q2-Q5 and now the R2. Is the letter the flux and the number the tint? Where can I find a Cree tint explanation chart. I hate "greenies" and hope I never see one again.

The P4 mentioned in last years Fenix. Is that a Seoul?

You guys are great for helping a newcomer find the right choice. You also helped an oldtimer like me who is just getting back into the new generation of lights.
The welcome mat is a great addition to this site. It helped me pick up some good information.

There are a few points that I hope someone can clarify for me. The Cree bins run from Q2-Q5 and now the R2. Is the letter the flux and the number the tint? Where can I find a Cree tint explanation chart. I hate "greenies" and hope I never see one again.

The P4 mentioned in last years Fenix. Is that a Seoul?


Actually, Cree's bins go from P2-P4, Q2-Q5, and R2-R5 (only R2's being produced so far). Seoul also make a LED called a P4 which isn't the same as the Cree P4 bin.

The letter/number is just the flux, there are two more letters for tint. I'll paste that when I find the color chart
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The letter/number is just the flux, there are two more letters for tint. I'll paste that when I find the color chart
Thanks for the link. So far, it looks like Cree has 3 whites. The Cool, Warm and Neutral.
I'm still on the learning curve with Cree but they seem to be a great LED.

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