cree uv 200mw


Newly Enlightened
Jan 15, 2007
I just received cree uv 200mw led and I know that it is dangerous to look directly at it when it works. But, is it dangerous to look at the surface (2-3m away) that is shined by that led (with reflector)? I have no protection glasses and I'm planing to use it only pointing away from me to shine various objects around (no mirrors of course). Thanx.
Yes it is! The reflected UV can damage your eyes. I learned that lesson the hard way, but thankfully before permanent damage had occured.
What about uv tubes that are in night clubs, it seems that nobody pays attention to that danger? Or it has lower dangerous radiation than cree uv? How can you find out that your eyes are damaged from uv? Is it pain or itch or blindness...
It depends on the wavelength. The deeper into that end of the spectrum the worse on your eye. I have several 1watt cree uv xlamps which are around 395nm, but am not familiar with yours. The black lights at night clubs are fluourescent near UV, and not as focused as what you'll probably see in a flashlight.

You do need to be careful about using that on reflective surfaces. The best is to use some cheap yellow safety or shooting glasses. These are very inexpensive, will almost all of the UV, and the color will provide a sharper distinction between what is fluourescing and what is simply reflecting. Even if you don't care about safety and your eyes, the yellow glasses will help you see better with these leds.