Cree XR-E P4 to Q5 upgrade


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 1, 2007
SW Ohio
I have some flashlights that have Cree XR-E P4s on them and I'd like to upgrade them to to Q4 or Q5. They are on the "star" shaped boards. I see Dealextreme sells these.

Is a P4 to Q4 a visually bright enough to make the change worthwhile for those who have done it? I though I read somewhere the voltage on the Q bins are higher.

Is Dealextreme a trustworthy place to buy the LEDs? (Are Q5s actually Q5?)
Is a P4 to Q4 a visually bright enough to make the change worthwhile ...
Sorry, I haven't done it, but IMHO no. There's really not much percentage difference in output at all. Maybe, possibly, P4 to R2 might be worth doing, but :broke: may be an issue there.
Well, I modded my Fenix P2D, with a presumed P4 greenie, to an R2-WG, and there's a definite difference. Here's some basic beamshots: The left is a 2008 Olight T15 on high, the right is the Fenix on Turbo. P4 on top, R2 on the bottom.

So, I'd say the Q5 might be worth it, but an R2 is noticeable.
Thanks for the feedback. Looks like R2 is the way. I might try a Q4 in a cheap light since they are only $5 at DX. I wonder if the DX ones are the greenish white color ones with the silver around the die. I bought Coleman light with that and the beam color is almost yucky.
You posted this in B/S/T, which is the wrong place for it.

Please familiarise yourself with the different sub-forums and the categories of topics they cover.

I'm moving it to Homemade & Modified.

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