custom battery for TA30?


Sep 8, 2007
is it possible to have a custom battery pack made up (ie one piece shrinkwrapped battery) for the fenix TA30?

(and a charger to go with it?)

I dont really want to fuss around anymore with 3 RCR123's at a time, charging them one at a time is time consuming. I want a single battery Li-ion or even NIMH would do, say 9V but in a cylinder shape to fit the TA30.

anyone make batteries here?
I think most people are using 2x17500's for rechargables in the TA30, which is convenient since most Li-Ion chargers are dual bay.

right after you posted i noticed FourSevens online store in canada now carries them. I kinda wanted to stick to one batteyr type but what the hey, i'll take the plunge.