Custom Machined Light Housings + Other Hobby Machinists Bicycle Light Services

Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2009
We're going to a little something different here, set up this thread,'s thread, to be a place where hobby machinists' can offer their services for members who want bicycle light work done. Never mind that this is an old thread, I have discussed this issue with via PM and he thinks it is a great idea. There will some basic rules for this thread:

  1. No advertising by professional business's, or professional machinists.
  2. Professional machinists can post as hobby machinists who want to do side work.
  3. All transactions will take place via PM's where email addresses can be shared.
  4. As in all CPF or CPFMP sales transactions, CPF will not be responsible for transactions gone bad. In this thread, deal with questions about delivery, malfunctioning parts, etc, via PM or Email.
  5. Rules may change or be amended.
  6. This thread will be heavily moderated.

Hey Folks,
I'm a machinist by trade, trail-riding mountain biker by night. You just can't beat blazing down pitch black trails in the quiet night IMHO.

What I'm looking for is some side work. Do you have some ideas for a light housing or any other accessory but don't have the tools to manufacture it?
I can help.

This way, I can help people out and also make little extra income to help offset the cost of my hobbies.

I'm not really looking for any production work. more like custom components.

I can help with designing also. I have the software necessary for modeling and mechanical drawings as well as 15 yrs experience in manufacturing.

I've designed, machined and built my own light.

Simple but cool .... I can make yours more or less intricate, however you envision it.

Here is mine:




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Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

Here is a design that i have been working on.

Twin R2 with claimed output of 250 each. The housing and the battery monitor circuit is all custom. 7 levels of indication!



Enjoy more at my site.

Further developments are ongoing, new rear plate with DC plug removing trailing cables. IP67 rated switches, and possibly some higher power LED's, urm I'm thincking P7 at 900 Lumen.

i am also doing the same if any one is interested.
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

i am also doing the same .

I see you are in the UK. I'm across the pond (logistics), so I'll ask

Hey Folks,... Do you have some ideas for a light housing or any other accessory but don't have the tools to manufacture it? I can help...more like custom components. :twothumbs

Let's say I have a possible one-of part of a light assembly that could be a project. I can PM you. Oh! I see by MTBR you 're from Noo Jooisey (NJ). Works for me.
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Re: Custom Machined Light Housings too, me too...I wanna play:party:




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Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

Very nice work gentlemen :grin2:.
Go ahead and PM me Brian.
From good ol' NJ! :wave:
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

Here is something else I made just for fun .:whistle:

A 6" ball inside of a 6" cube. made from a solid piece of 6061 Alum.

The trick was machining the last side (when the ball drops)



how did i get the ball in there? :sssh: lol

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Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

That's insanely cool. If you could figure out a way to anodize that thing two seperate colors...I'll bet the Smithsonian would buy it.:twothumbs

I wish I had a milling machine...this old drill press is finicky.

(P.S. I was just yankin' your chain over at MTBR on the 25x25x48mm light running 20watts at 50C...w/o an external fan and possibly a wearable freon compressor...I don't suppose it's possible:D)
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Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

That's insanely cool. If you could figure out a way to anodize that thing two seperate colors...I'll bet the Smithsonian would buy it.:twothumbs

I wish I had a milling machine...this old drill press is finicky.

(P.S. I was just yankin' your chain over at MTBR on the 25x25x48mm light running 20watts at 50C...w/o an external fan and possibly a wearable freon compressor...I don't suppose it's possible:D)

lol, I'm not buying that you made all of your parts on a drill press.:poke:

possible with the right fixtures but definitely a PITA!

I figured either you were yankin my chain or you had no clue hahaha....i can take it. :naughty:

if you were a little more subtle with your expectations, you would have had me going.....

I was wondering if there would be a lot of crossover people on both forums.

Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

yeah, lots of crossover, sometimes it's like déjà vu all over again
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

You folks do some great work. Being a hobbyist wannabe machinist I can appreciate the amount of time and work it takes to turn out even the simplest of parts. Then again, I'm doing it all on a manual miniature mill (Sherline). Keep up the good work, fellas.
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

lol, I'm not buying that you made all of your parts on a drill press.:poke:

possible with the right fixtures but definitely a PITA!

I figured either you were yankin my chain or you had no clue hahaha....i can take it. :naughty:

if you were a little more subtle with your expectations, you would have had me going.....

I was wondering if there would be a lot of crossover people on both forums.



I used a drill press,from Harbor Freight with a cheap cross slide vice and a $6 end mill for everything except the Double Barrel Regina light. I used my Neighbor's Lathe for that one.

I don't have my own mill or lathe...just borrowed his for the first time. One day I'll get some tools!
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings


I used a drill press,from Harbor Freight with a cheap cross slide vice and a $6 end mill for everything except the Double Barrel Regina light. I used my Neighbor's Lathe for that one.

I don't have my own mill or lathe...just borrowed his for the first time. One day I'll get some tools!

I'm impressed. you must be a resourceful and patient man! hahaha :D

I wish I had a lathe too :(

all of my round work I have to do on a mill ^^
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Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

Yeah...the drill press is not rigid like a mill. Therefore you get chatter if you try to take too much off. The neighbor's lathe is from 1920. It's not bad, but parting tools are an issue b/c of the flex in the tool holder.

It's frustrating. Takes me at least a couple hours to fin one side of a hex light:thumbsdow
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

Barry_Scott, i am half way through doing a poor imitation of that twin light you posted, just by coincidence. I'm at the stage of getting drivers, battery and housing. Could you help out / recommend anything there? at the moment im thinking the taskled bflex driver and an enclosure made from tubing (not ideal). I really need to find a source for a decent battery.

Would a copy of your enclosure be something you could provide? If so, what sort of $?
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

sory for the delay but yes i can do that the issue would be if mods were required and which parts you would require. eg just the body, the body + end caps + mount. The would also have to be negotiated as more changes need more proving out.

Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

hey barry, my names gareth....

hey all this is my first post, nice to meet you....

im looking for a night trail set up, i ride with a couple of different clubs but all the guys seem quite hung up on splashing as much cash as can can on different rigs... they just dont seem to consider customs.

so i think having something different would be great thinking twin on bars but like the look of the two lock fish block fixing for the mount... then something similkar but just single on lid.

sorry to keep on lol....

output wise im looking for as close to the 1000 mark as poss.

i hope we can do something and that it could catch on with the other guys i ride with.

hope this all makes sense:shrug::twothumbs
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

Hi Garth my name is really matt (long story about barry)


You are a MTB trail rider and looking for a twin on the bars and one on the head.

Well my design is good (he says himself) but mainly suited for road use as the beam is persing with not much spill. Mind out for low hanging branches!

Also i would suggest that you might not need a double as you can get a tripple light unit in a setup like chelboed which is 1100. It also depend on the burn time. How long do you ride for?

My setup is good for 10 rides of 1/2hrs on a 7.6v 4500mah lipo battery. If you are going for a 1000 setup you will looking at 1.5-2.5amp current draw on that battery so could be good for an hour or two at most.

So what i would suggest is think hard what you want to acheive.
Re: Custom Machined Light Housings

hiya matt lol....


preferably i would like it to last for 2 1/2 to 3 hours??? is this poss? do you mean that the beam is quite narrow and direct? is there anyway of expanding it?

how big would the battery pack be do u think???

sorry when i said twin i meant a twin head not twin led (as this would widen the overall spread ??)sorry :sssh: doesnt matter to me the amount of leds to make what we need.

how much do u think a set up would cost??

i like the chelboed actually thought it was your post lol :oops: can u do something similar?:confused:

cheers for your patience lol