cut off voltage for protected 18650 and R123


Jun 6, 2003
Hi guys, i bough some cells from aw.

My protected R123 circuit kicks in at around 3.1V
while the protected 18650 keeps going even at 2.5V.
Is this normal?

Also i read that any voltage below 2.8V will start to damage the 18650 cell. What/how exactly is the cell damaged?
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The LVC of most protection circuit is set to 2.45V under load. When the load is removed, the cell's voltage should bounce back to above 3V. However, if you are using the cell under a slow drain application, you may not see a re-bounce in voltage. The usual advice of removing the cell for a recharge when you see the first sign of dimming still applies to protected cells if you want good cycles/life out of them.
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OK, well i tried popping it right back into the charger.
Seems to charger find, once the light turned green on my charger .
i measured about 4.15V fresh of the charger, does this mean everything is ok?