Cutting down the Mag Spring


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
greetings all!

I think this is the proper sub-forum to ask about the process/method/tips on cutting down D-Mag taicap springs.

The case is that it is too high...especially with am AA battery carrier. I have gotten the Kaidomain replacement one but another problem emerged.
Combined to the mdcod AA battery carrier thesring end snaps around the carrier's bottom nut tight enough to unscrew it wqhen i open the flashlight.

So I got to revert to the original paqttern spring but I would like to know of any pecularities and precautions to take when taking my dremel wheel on it...

thanks, Kostas
I've found that a dremel with a diamond cutting wheel works great. I clamp it to a table and wear glasses because the cut off parts will fly.
Can't you just bend the end of the KD spring so that it prevents the battery holder nut from fitting in?
I also use a Dremel, but just a regular (cheap) cutting disc works fine. I just hold it with Visegrips. I have cut at least a dozen D Mag tailcap springs this way.
VGQ side cutters or a grinder i cut mine down with side cutters but any of the above are very good ways cheers DocD
I use the ceramic disc and then some 800 grit sandingpaper to get that polished feeling.
guys thnaks for the tips....I will be cutting at a slant angle won't I?

(that means not cutting perperdicular to the wire axis)
I use the wire cutters on my beefier pliers.

(Pting! :duck: $#!?, now where'd that piece go?).
just a tip.....I use a transparent plastic shopping bag. I work inside it and never ever had an incident of lost parts or of a hurt eye since
just a tip.....I use a transparent plastic shopping bag. I work inside it and never ever had an incident of lost parts or of a hurt eye since

Must be a really big plastic shopping bag to be able to work inside it .... :p
spread??? if i weren't pulling more pounds than average the were only be 2 of us (a young guy from a nearby town and me)....
Does not lead cutting spring and then bending the remains put stress to the contacts, reduce size of contacting surfaces and increase resistance?

How about just bending the spring?
put into vise and screw in, take a gas torch and heat the "in-between" of the spring red hot
(positive effect: the vise cools the contact parts, thus keeping the material clean there)
easy to do

good/bad idea?
(I have done this to smaller springs very often, dunno about D Mag ones)
D mag springs end up in 3 coils that make a cylinder.

I really do not know the purpose of that part of the spring, it is dead length any way, thus why I will be cutting it.