Cutting some rope !


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

Been having some fun this year .
For me , the quality of the blade steel is all important .
The Chinese ( as well as everyone else ) seem to do fine bolting everything together .
Heck even your $10 dollar knives are bolted together good enough .
But the one thing that still needs work ( or possibly less fraud ) is the blade steel .
I no longer want to know how good a knife feels , or how good it looks . I want to know = How does it perform !

Imagine buying a car that feels fantastic ! But only puts out 35BHP , and does 1 mile per gallon . :laughing: Yeah , that car would be a bit of a joke no matter how good it feels . :crackup:
And for me , the same goes for knives .
How the knife feels is only relevant when it actually performs .
But thats just me ! :thinking:

So now , I put my knives to the rope ! A simple repeatable edge retention test that give reasonably accurate results .
Doing this , can be a bit of a reality slap in the face . You love the knife because it FEELS fantastic , but the rope shows the blade steel to be bottom of the barrel garbage :sick2:
And if you paid $$$ a decent amount of Ka-Ching for it , do you want to know some one ripped your wallet a new one ?
It is an eye opener for sure , and maybe not for everyone ! Does how a knife looks and feels take precedent over how it performs ? :candle: