Why is it that incans seem to "cut" through rain and fog better than LEDs do, is it because incans have a broader spectrum or something warm tint leds cut through rain well?
Why is it that incans seem to "cut" through rain and fog better than LEDs do, is it because incans have a broader spectrum or something warm tint leds cut through rain well?
Incandescent light cuts through rain and fog better than led light, whether it is focused or not. LED light seems to reflect off of everything, even dust.
Go out in the rain and fog, see if incan or LED works for you.Why is it that incans seem to "cut" through rain and fog better than LEDs do, is it because incans have a broader spectrum or something warm tint leds cut through rain well?
...or atmospheric scattering. Try them yourself and see.A lot of the claims regarding this are anecdotal ... you really need to have a head-to-head test of comparable lights, along with a standard by which to judge performance.
You are sure to hear some incorrect explanations for the alleged difference, such as Rayleigh scattering.