Cyberwar- shaping the battlefield


Aug 21, 2008
Any thoughts on the chaos that would occur, say if North Korea would try to shut down the Power Grid here in North America?
Or if some other entity would launch a massive DDOS attack?
The fresh air interview with Richard Clarke on 19 April was interesting- anyone else catch it?
Especially interesting was the information regarding the Israeli air strike that took out the Syrian reactor near the Euphrates in 07 with F-15's and 16's non-stealth yet the Syrian air defense radar showed no aircraft in the sky at the time of the attack. Would land lines need to be breached or could code cause a looped clear screen scenario?
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Heard it as well. NPR runs some pretty good stuff from a science perspective in the afternoon. Thier 'Planet Money' series should be mandatory for high school seniors.

My only issue with the interview is that the guy implied a lot of 'guesses' but often didn't have evidence. The Chinese govt sponsoring the cyber attacks, etc. I also have no idea how you can cyber attack a radar installation and make the Israeli Airforce invisible. Are they running Active X programs or something? :thinking:

The best emphasis was on things like having critical networks physically removed from the internet. Most of my concern is directed at government contractors who tend to not adhere by the rules.
Especially interesting was the information regarding the Israeli air strike that took out the Syrian reactor near the Euphrates in 07 with F-15's and 16's non-stealth yet the Syrian air defense radar showed no aircraft in the sky at the time of the attack.

I thought they did that by close formation flying, so that they gave back the radar return of one large and boring passenger plane rather than a bunch of little and interesting fighter/bombers.