I think this thread has gone a bit astray with what I would personally consider "solutions" that are a bit complex.
Rather than talking about technology of batteries, let's just talk
strategy for lights stored in my truck or car is simple. I put fresh Alkalines in them every Christmas. Period. That's it.
Never leaked, never went dead, always worked when needed.
Fresh Alkalines will store very well, even in hot and/or cold environments, for probably a couple of years or longer. But why push your luck? There is
NO type of battery that you can rely on to serve as emergency backup if left in storage for "years", as mentioned.
By using an annual significant memory jogger date (I've always liked Christmas

), just go through all your battery operated stuff that isn't used much and put in fresh batteries.
It's a simple
strategy that isn't wasteful at all because what you then do is use the year-old but good batteries in other devices that you use more often and use up the batteries in those devices.
Ooh, that reminds me; I gotta' go and get some fresh Alkalines. Christmas is almost here :wave: