D Mini semi review and comparison beamshots


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2005
Here is my first attempt at beamshots so don't be too harsh. :candle:

I received my D Mini yesterday and had some pretty high expectations because of all the postive comments other members had said about it, but it impressed me even more than I was expecting! The output on a primary 123 cell was very very good, but on a 3.7v rechargable cell from AW this thing is an absolute rocket launcher! Unlike any other LED light I have ever seen (which includes the P1DCE). The throw is its best feature, but it also has incredibly bright spill which is very useful as well. This light is definetly for outdoor use because it is a much too bright for inside. I have included some pictures of the following lights. They all have fresh cells. The D Mini has a 3.7v rechargable cell. Here is the order:

D Mini
SureFire G2 w/3.7v 100 lumen bulb from AW and 17670 cell fully charged
Streamlight 4AA Luxeon
Fenix L1P (SXOH emitter) and fresh Energizer Lithium

I hope the beamshots really give some sort of idea of how incredibly bright this light really is!




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Thanks alot! I tried doing white wall shots but for some reason my camera wasn't having it. They all looked so bright that it overwelmed the camera I would say. I also think that doing outdoor shots makes it easier to see a difference in a real world setting. The car is probabley about 40 feet away or so. I will try to take some long range shots tomorrow but tonight it was rather bright outside so they wouldn't have been all that effective. I'm glad you like them! :grin2:
AD, thanks for your views and the beamshots. Hey, what's all that white stuff on the ground? I've enjoyed my D-Mini for about a month now and am still very impressed with the "throw" of this little bugger! I highly recommend this light. :rock:
heliyardsale said:
Great review... Are you usiing the smooth or OP refector...


Thanks alot! I'm using the smooth reflector. The beam really isn't all that bad indoors on a wall, and outside it looks fantastic. I have heard people complain about the rings, but if you are actually going to use the light they will have no effect.
HowieG said:
What does the d mini look like and who sells it?

There is a thread in the Dealers corner for starters. Right now you can order one from Ricky at Lumapower, but in a few weeks or so, Matt at Battery Junction will be handling them. Do a search for it, there has been volumes written about this light.
HowieG said:
What does the d mini look like and who sells it?

The D Mini is a reletively small light (a little longer than a Fenix L1P) which has a very deep reflector for maximum throw. The head is quite a bit larger than the body, but the part which is larger around isn't very long, so it doesn't feel terrible in your pocket and fits great in my hand.

I bought mine directly from Lumapower. He sells them in the Manufacturers forum and the light is now being carried by some North American dealers. I highly suggest buying some 3.7v RCR cells and a charger so this light can really come to life!

There is another thread in the review section that has numerous pictures of the lights beam and pics of the light itself beside other lights for comparison.
I got one couple weeks ago. Very happy with it. I wish they offer an option of 18650 battery tube.
BigTwin said:
Is there any talk about a 2 stage D mini?
Yes. It's called the F-Mini. You can find some info on it in the D-Mini thread in the Manufacturers forum. They haven't talked about it recently, probably because they don't want to damage sales of the D-Mini.
BigTwin said:
Is there any talk about a 2 stage D mini?

Yep just as Lightscene said Lumapower will be releasing the two stage D Mini soon, but they will also be releasing a two stage tailcap to convert the current D Mini to the same exact thing.
I will be sending my D Mini tomorrow off to Chevrofreak for runtime graphs and output charts and for his solid reviews. I'll miss it quite a bit but hopefully my L1DCE will come early this week and fill the void. :laughing:

Oh... and for those who are looking foward to my long range pics (if anyone actually is. LOL) I haven't taken them yet because it has been snowing very hard every night since I took the original pics. The beam of the D Mini looks amazing with all the snow fall but it makes it basically impossible to take quality pics. They will come soon. :)
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Good news - The D-Mini's are due either tomorrow or Tuesday. Both colors, both reflectors. :)

In ~10 days we'll have the LP-mini's and F1's. M1's are already in stock.

Pokerstud said:
There is a thread in the Dealers corner for starters. Right now you can order one from Ricky at Lumapower, but in a few weeks or so, Matt at Battery Junction will be handling them. Do a search for it, there has been volumes written about this light.